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MySQL Trigger updating second table based on History and computed values

The Goal: Update an secondary table called Lottery_Cycle when an INSERT occours on table Lottery_History with some computed values and checking previous data. Let's say a lottery with 25 numbers of ...
Wisdom's user avatar
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how to auto trigger mysql

I have two tables, User table and a points table. I designed these tables to be in one-to-one relation, as points contains a foreign key to the user table. as new users get created, I use query INSERT ...
umarkaa's user avatar
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After Insert and Update Trigger on the same table

I have the following table in MySQL: CREATE TABLE `userlogtype` ( `UserLogTypeID` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `UserLogType` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `InsertUser` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `...
Steve Miller's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating a Trigger in MySQL that has a JOIN

PROBLEM: I'm trying to create a TRIGGER that will copy records from 2 different tables (users, addresses) in database A to a single table (users) in database B. Basically, I'm trying to consolidate ...
Tony Stephens's user avatar
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Mariadb update column during load data of CSV

I am loading .csv files into Mariadb 10.6 using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE. There is a DATE column called posted_on in the inbound data, and I need store the month name in another field monther, ideally ...
br8k's user avatar
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SHOW TRIGGERS privilege without also being able to DROP TRIGGER?

Is it possible to give a user privilege to view Triggers, i.e. execute the SHOW TRIGGERS command, without also giving them permission to DROP TRIGGER? Background is, I want to give certain users the ...
BrokenPhysics's user avatar
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Create a log using trigger

I created a table name as log to store some log after the table 'lançamento' is changed: CREATE TRIGGER CHECK_UPDATE AFTER INSERT ON lançamento FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO log (`Data`, `...
DAVI AMÉRICO's user avatar
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How do I automatically insert a row into parent table when a row is created in a child table?

I am working on a MySQL database that has to treat organizations and people as interchangeable in some instances and not others. Because of this, I created a table called LegalEntity as a superclass. ...
SlowlySwift's user avatar
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MySQL 1054 Error After Creating Trigger to Update on Insert

I am learning basic SQL and have gotten stuck with triggers. I have a database with two tables, customer and invoice. The table characteristics follow: CREATE TABLE customer ( CUST_NUM ...
Kegan Smith's user avatar
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How to get around 'Can't update table in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked'

In MariaDB/MySQL I am looking to create a trigger that automatically changes a boolean to true when 4 Users are a part of it. The issue is I am running a running a query on the table that is being ...
toodonk's user avatar
3 votes
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MySQL: How to make Trigger to insert row in another table?

Please read everything, included the notes and edits at the end Problem I have a MySQL DB with 3 different table: To save users mysql> describe users; +-------------+-----------------------------...
Cromega08's user avatar
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update trigger after insert on same table

So, I'm supposed to make a trigger that applies md5 to a row after an INSERT was made on it. Here is what I came up with: delimiter $$\ create trigger pd_encrip before insert on usuario\ for each row\ ...
Jade Fernandes's user avatar
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Mysql Trigger - Update status_id if the value exist in other Table

Currently, I have two Tables: ocok_country status country_id 1 1 1 2 0 3 0 4 ** country_id 3 and 4 not updated with the trigger ** ocok_zone_to_geo_zone name country_id ABC 1 DEF 2 new-...
carloslozada's user avatar
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problem with writing a sql trigger

I'm writing a SQL trigger to whenever update the (engage_step_user_response) table (response_json) column after updated. I need to increase no of retakes that I included same table as a column. This ...
david_23's user avatar
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help with mariadb after update trigger

I have a table that is shared among 7 other tables and I want to synchronize a new part is added to the parts table. new rows are created in each of the 7 other tables, using the part_id from the ...
Doug Gardiner's user avatar
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2 answers

Determine new/changed data(rows) on a table during a table clone operation

I'm trying to alter some heavy data tables tables, this operation may cause some impact on our production service, so to minimize outages the plan is: create a copy table that inherits table ...
Retrosec6's user avatar
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MySQL IF NULL of a variable is not working as expected in a trigger

We have the following trigger to ensure that a version field is updated in a related table, normally the trigger contains only the UPDATE statement, the INSERTs are added for debugging and to explain ...
Thomas Lauria's user avatar
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Triggers for multiple rows at once

So I have these three tables. The orders table is list of orders existed, while the order details consist of items that is in an order (because 1 order can have more than one catalog). I'm using mysql ...
c.jungc's user avatar
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Sync different table structure in MySQL Database

I have two table in different database host host. activity_table in Host A and presence_table in Host B. presence_table used by binary app where i don't have access to the source code but i have full ...
Abu Dawud's user avatar
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MySQL Trigger to prevent update in one table if particular data is available in another table

I need a MySQL trigger that can prevent update of a particular column data, if some specific data is available in another table. I have two tables product and sales. Product Sale I need to prevent ...
PRAMOD MANN's user avatar
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mysql Trigger to prevent entry being written to a table AFTER writing to another table

Is there a way to use SIGNAL in a trigger to prevent a query being written to a table, but only AFTER you have logged the details in another table? for example: CREATE TABLE `test2` ( `txtvals` ...
IGGt's user avatar
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how to update one column with trigger mysql

i have 2 tables the first one is Table KEYS game keys WOW AAAAAAA-AAAAAAA-AAAAA WOW BBBBBBB-BBBBBBB-BBBBB L4D2 AAAAAAA-AAAAAAA-AAAAA TABLE inventory game country language pieces WOW USA EN 0 ...
Minioua's user avatar
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Triggers: counting rows in a bridge table after INSERT

I'm using a trigger in order to make a Statistic Table. I have this many-to-many relationship where I have an Order that can have multiple Product's and viceversa. So after an INSERT on Order, using ...
Filippo Scaramuzza's user avatar
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MySQL trigger communication between two tables

The problem is: I'm trying to find a value from one table where their vaccine choice is 'Janssen', I want the trigger to then copy their patient_id, the result of this will update the patient table ...
viktoriaaas's user avatar
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MariaDB error with trigger and end statement

I am getting a MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'END IF; END' I've tried to remove the semi colons sitting getting the errors, I thought I had done it in the correct syntax. Can ...
paigelarry342's user avatar
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How to create a trigger that generate a random specific output to insert into a table in MariaDB?

I have an account table which is laid out in 3NF: CREATE TABLE account ( account_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, customer_id INT NOT NULL, account_type_id VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, is_active ...
Mj _'s user avatar
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Trigger implementation , did i do it properly?

FOLDER(CodFO,name,path,dim,ContainerFolder) FILE(CodFI,name,CodFO,path,dateC,dateE,dim) After a file is inserted into the FILE class , its path field gets updated after the instert in a way that it ...
Emilio de Francesco's user avatar
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How to make mysql trigger to access another table's entry?

Say there is a DB with 3 tables Books table - contain book_id and its title Inventory - A list of book_ids in the inventory Logs - A list of log strings. Every time I add a new book_id to the ...
TN_OUSL's user avatar
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Actualizar en Trigger de delete en Mysql8

tengo una tabla en MySQL8 y una situación similar a esta: Tengo solucionado el trigger de insert, pero al querer hacer el trigger de delete (por ejemplo) me dice que no puedo modificar la tabla ya ...
Franco Cuello's user avatar
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How to run both "before" and "after" update in trigger

I need to calculate prior values in a table before the column values are updated. Basically, I have to calculate the difference between the before the update and after update values. If there is any ...
BrownBatman's user avatar
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Error: Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or trigger

Im trying to convert multivalued column in Table A into rows of Table B(The data type of the column is varchar). For ex: Table A id value ae [1,2,4,5] ac [1,6] Table B id value ae 1 ae 2 ae ...
Swathi Ravindran's user avatar
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Stored procedure to change string to datetime in MySQL

This is a follow up to this question. Turns out the driver that I am using (can't change it) is not compatible with timestamp values. Lets say it is set in stone that I have to load the data into my ...
E.Aigle's user avatar
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Row Level Trigger for insert/update to a table

Given a table ITEM as below : CREATE TABLE ITEM ( ItemNo int not null, category varchar(20) not null, Quantity int not null, Price decimal(10,2) not null, Total decimal(10,...
Hacker688's user avatar
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MySQL best way to define a couple of columns as both null or both not-null

On a MySQL DB, I would like to find a way to force a couple of columns be both null or both not null at the insert / update time. This means that on each record, both columns are null or both columns ...
Sampisa's user avatar
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Create a trigger for a table whose values are dependent on another table

I have a hospital database and in that database I have an Appointments table and a Visits table. In the Appointments table I have a column named Validation that can have values 0 and 1. I want to ...
unidentified's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hello I want to create a before insert that looks if the value is on another table before inserting [closed]

I have a database for hospitals and I have a table for patients and one table for appointments. I need to create a trigger that if someone wants to add a person on the appointments table that person ...
unidentified's user avatar
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MySQL 8.0.22 Trigger won't run unless definer is logged in

I have the following tigger that used to work before upgrading to MySQL 8 from MySQL 5. Now the trigger will only run if the definer is logged in via phpmyadmin or some other database admin tool. The ...
MwcsMac's user avatar
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MySQL create trigger after insert not inserting all values

I am new to MySQL triggers. i want to insert the newly inserted booking from booking table to bookings_clone table. PROBLEM: All the field in bookings table are filled but in bookings_clone only these ...
Wcan's user avatar
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Unknown table 'table' in field list on referencing temporary table inside a trigger

I am creating a trigger BEFORE INSERT that checks a record from another table to see if it exists, otherwise signal sqlstate. The trigger definition shown below DELIMITER // DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS ...
Karuntos's user avatar
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Mysql falls every day

My database Mysql fallas every day: Looking at the tail -100 /var/log/mysqld.log Shows: 2020-08-16 20:56:03 7f787c7fb700 InnoDB: Error (Duplicate key) writing word node to FTS auxiliary index table. ...
user3156442's user avatar
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How do you combine multiple update statements for the same row using MySQL trigger

Background: Each time a column is modified, I need to update the associated column (which has the same name) in a second table. This is my first attempt at using a trigger. Code: Here's a simplified ...
pbarney's user avatar
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Catch contraint error inside trigger on the table being inserted/updated

I would like to know if it is possible to automate some task when an insertion or update on a table generates an error (for example error codes 1062, 1451 or 1452) Finding an answer to that is not ...
David V.'s user avatar
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InnoDB trigger deadlocks itself?

I have a MySQL 5.7.22 database using the InnoDB engine. There's a table respondents that has 6 associated triggers - three of them make CRUD operations on a completed_respondents table, and the other ...
mgarciaisaia's user avatar
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is there any method should i use for trigger update?

I try to modify the syntax of SQL trigger to mysql trigger [check 32:01 for reference] ]1 someone suggested me to use this syntax in mysql, however I got error in mysql. DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER ...
KennyTan's user avatar
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MySQL : Stored Procedure from Trigger giving duplicate results

I have created a stored procedure to insert data into an audit table. The procedure accepts an argument that takes table name and same value is inserted into the audit table along with PK. When i'm ...
Prateek Pande's user avatar
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Are having TRIGGERs for every upvote/downvote detrimental in terms of performance?

I plan to have three tables: Users, User_Reputation and Voting_Records. The Users table would hold the primary key id for the registered users, along with personal information such as email and ...
Dragonsnap's user avatar
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Can we prevent table from update directly but allow update using trigger from another table?

So, let's say I have 3 tables: stocks table, it have columns: id, product_id, stock sell table, it have columns: id, product_id, qty buy table, it have columns: id, product_id, qty What I want to do:...
HikkiBocchi's user avatar
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Cascading Triggers

I'm running MariaDB 10.2.31 on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS. My data consists 99% of JSON-encoded strings from a remote API. Example (orders) very much simplified: { "id":123, "referrer": "webshop", ...
Engle's user avatar
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update all rows after insertion in mysql

I am working with mysql and I have a table with the following structure (a summary): CREATE TABLE `costs` ( `id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `utility` DECIMAL(9,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `...
max's user avatar
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MySQL - Check out trigger not executing

Im implementing a trigger to be executed when the end date of a booking is passed Its supposed to change a cats status within checked in from 1 to 0 when updating the table changing an ex booking ...
throwaway56786897's user avatar

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