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76 votes

What are the differences between "Stored Procedures" and "Stored Functions"?

PostgreSQL 11 added stored procedures as a new schema object. You can create a new procedure by using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. Stored procedures differ from functions in the following ways: ...
d4nyll's user avatar
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32 votes

Try catch equivalent in Postgres

The equivalent of TRY-CATCH error handling in PostgreSQL is a block of code in this way: [ <<label>> ] [ DECLARE declarations ] BEGIN statements EXCEPTION WHEN condition [ OR ...
McNets's user avatar
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22 votes

Loop through key/value pairs of a jsonb object in postgresql function

Use jsonb_each(jsonb) or jsonb_each_text(jsonb) in a FOR loop like: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_function(input jsonb) RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plpgsql AS -- language declaration required $func$ ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
19 votes

How can I return multiple rows of records in PL/pgSQL

The function needs to return a SETOF RECORD instead of RECORD and have one RETURN NEXT per row instead of a single RETURN, as in: CREATE FUNCTION test() RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ DECLARE rec record;...
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
18 votes

How to use function parameters in dynamic SQL with EXECUTE?

You are confusing a couple of things. To pass values to EXECUTE, use the USING clause. You don't need format() here. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_records_for_notification( _username text ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
18 votes

What happens if two process try to REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY at the same time?

As mentioned in this answer, "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY takes an EXCLUSIVE lock" on the table. Following the crumb trail to documentation we can read that an EXCLUSIVE lock on a table "...
mustaccio's user avatar
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17 votes

Deadlock with multi-row INSERTs despite ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING

The ON CONFLICT clause can prevent duplicate key errors. There can still be friction with concurrent transactions trying to enter the same keys or update the same rows. It's no insurance against ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
17 votes

How do I reraise an exception in a PL/pgSQL EXCEPTION block?

You can use RAISE without any parameters. This is documented on the Errors and Messages page: The last variant of RAISE has no parameters at all. This form can only be used inside a BEGIN block's ...
jpmc26's user avatar
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16 votes

How can I return multiple rows of records in PL/pgSQL

Use setof record and return next rec if you want to return multiple records from a function, example: create or replace function test_function() returns setof record language plpgsql as $$ ...
klin's user avatar
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16 votes

Concurrent transactions result in race condition with unique constraint on insert

The root of the problem is that, with default READ COMMITTED isolation level, each concurrent UPSERT (or any query, for that matter) can only see rows that were visible at the start of the query. The ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
15 votes

PostgreSQL use NEW in query for INSTEAD OF trigger

NEW is a record, not a table. Basics: Use NEW in FROM clause in Postgres trigger? Slightly modified setup CREATE TABLE product ( product_id serial PRIMARY KEY , product_name text UNIQUE NOT NULL -...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
15 votes

How to use variables in procedure (not function)?

SQL functions or procedures (LANGUAGE sql) do not have a DECLARE section - nor BEGIN / END. These are keywords for the block structure of the procedural language PL/pgSQL - in functions and procedures ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
14 votes

How can I use an environment variable in a Postgres function?

You can not access a environment variable directly; but you can access a custom configuration setting and set that to a value from the environment at startup. For example, you can pass the follow ...
Corin's user avatar
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14 votes

POSTGRES declaring variable containing date array in functions

You can use ARRAY keyword: create table tbl (dateval date[]); insert into tbl values(array ['20180101','20180102'::date]); Or in a block of code: do $$ declare dateval date[]; begin ...
McNets's user avatar
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13 votes

PostgreSQL Upsert not working on Partitioned Table

Upsert on partitioned tables is not implemented in versions earlier than Postgres 11. In Postgres 9.6: INSERT statements with ON CONFLICT clauses are unlikely to work as expected, as the ON ...
klin's user avatar
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13 votes

SQL function with SELECT vs. PLPGSQL function with RETURN QUERY SELECT?

There are various subtle differences. Simple SQL functions can be inlined when nested in an outer query - provided they meet some preconditions. Not possible for a PL/pgSQL function. All statements in ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
11 votes

Concurrent transactions result in race condition with unique constraint on insert

Try the insert first, with on conflict ... do nothing and returning id. If the value already exists, you will get no result from this statement, so you have then to execute a select to get the ID. If ...
CL.'s user avatar
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10 votes

How to pass variable to PL/pgSQL code from the command line?

The manual for psql: Variable interpolation will not be performed within quoted SQL literals and identifiers. The body of a DO statement (or function) is a quoted literal - dollar-quoted in this ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
10 votes

When (or why even) use PLPython(3)u

I find pl/pgsql tedious for general programming, and slow to program in and slow to execute. And missing a lot of functionality--some of which is missing because it has to be in order to be a trusted ...
jjanes's user avatar
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9 votes

PostgreSQL: Auto update updated_at with custom column

Use the spi module's moddatetime spi module, moddatetime extension moddatetime — Functions for Tracking Last Modification Time moddatetime() is a trigger that stores the current time into a timestamp ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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9 votes

Unable to Create COMMIT inside PostgreSQL 11.5 Procedure

The BEGIN; is wrong and will cause an error. You cannot start a transaction inside a procedure, because there is already an active transaction. You can end a transaction, which implies that a new ...
Laurenz Albe's user avatar
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8 votes

pl/pgsql: Dynamicly get a column name from a record

Using row_to_json function: do $$ declare r json; i int; begin for r in select row_to_json(t.*) from (values(1,'a1','a2','a3'),(2,'b1','b2','b3')) as t(x,y11,y12,y13) loop ...
Abelisto's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I update multiple tables at once in Postgres?

You're actually close.. first create some test data.. CREATE TABLE foo_knex_migrations ( name ) AS VALUES ('test.js'),('test2.js'),('bicycles'); CREATE TABLE bar_knex_migrations AS TABLE ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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8 votes

PostgreSQL Upsert not working on Partitioned Table

lad2025's user avatar
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8 votes

ERROR: "sql " is not a known variable

Your error message says: psql:cobertura.sql:29: ERROR: "sql " is not a known variable LINE 14: sql := format('insert into cobertura_tmp select count(*) as ... Look closely: "sql ", not "sql" That ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
7 votes

Dealing with out-of-range values on a PARTITION BY RANGE

Is there a way to get the min/max values I could store within the existing partitions? And you also ask in a comment: Do you know of a way to get the lower and upper bounds of the range by query? I ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
7 votes

Escape % inside FORMAT() function in Postgres

The manual clearly says: the special sequence %% may be used to output a literal % character
mustaccio's user avatar
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6 votes

Change owner of all schema objects

to avoid mentionned error, try changing the order: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.chown(in_schema character varying, new_owner character varying) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ ...
Vao Tsun's user avatar
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6 votes

Trigger function to update column

This isn't how a trigger works. You should fire the TRIGGER before the update, then you just use SET on the NEW record. SET new.dif_area = abs(100 - (OLD.area_pol / (OLD.area_ofi * 100))); But even ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.7k

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