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LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE - server's temporary file storage

While reading docs, I came across following: When LOCAL is used, the client program reads the file and sends its contents to the server. The server creates a copy of the file in the directory where ...
Akshay Lokur's user avatar
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Refresh materialized view on Postgresql 11 on RDS

We are currently on Postgres 11.13 on AWS RDS. I am trying to create a materialized view that takes about 6-7 minutes to run. What is the best way to keep this MV mostly up to date? I was thinking of ...
Asif's user avatar
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Is rdstopmgr an AWS RDS user?

I am running postgres on AWS RDS. RDS creates some users on its own, such as rdsadmin and rdsrepladmin. I am familiar with these However, I also see rdstopmgr, when I query postgres for roles. Google ...
Mark Grobaker's user avatar
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How to prevent sequences from getting out of sequence?

I have several sequences for tables (dynamic information and crosswalks) that get out of sync from the table primary keys during testing. While I can fix them, what can I do to prevent the sequences ...
Jeff Grabowski's user avatar
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Delete Temporary Tables from Abandoned ALTER Query

I had some big tables, where the running ALTER query timed out. Is there a way to remove the temporary tables created by this ALTER query, as they are taking up a huge amount of storage. I am on RDS. ...
SamuraiMelon's user avatar
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Row size too large (> 8126) - 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.10.0

CreateTableConstraintStep ddlList = (CreateTableConstraintStep) dslContext .createTableIfNotExists(getDSLTableName(List)) .columns(fields) ...
will mannix's user avatar
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AWS Lambda to RDS PostgreSQL connection

Hello fellow AWS contributors, I’m currently working on a project to set up an example of connecting a Lambda function to our PostgreSQL database hosted on RDS. I tested my Python + SQL code locally (...
Allen Yang's user avatar
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Using innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 with RDS MultiAZ - Safe?

I understand the downsides of using the parameter setting innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 If you want to know more, look at another answer, for example Is it safe to use ...
Matt The Ninja's user avatar
5 votes
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How to await the execution of the rds_backup_database stored procedure?

Our team is migrating one of our databases to Amazon RDS MS SQL Server. As part of that, we have to rewrite some of our stored procedures. We have a stored procedure that performs a database backup to ...
Georgi Koemdzhiev's user avatar
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How to resolve The instance could not be upgraded because the 'reg*' data type is used in user tables?

I tried to upgrade a Postgres DB Engine from 11.12 to 13.3 on AWS via the admin console in the browser. But the upgrade could not be performed, the error/pg_upgrade_precheck.log shows this message. ...
Christiaan Westerbeek's user avatar
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BACKUP DATABASE permission denied when using AWS RDS

Our team is migrating to the cloud and we have chosen RDS For MSSQL to host our current db server. As part of that, we have a lot of stored procedures that need to be modified. Some of those are ...
Georgi Koemdzhiev's user avatar
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Unable to create Read replica - AWS RDS SQL Server 2016

I am trying to create a read replica for a Sql Server enterprise Edition (2016 SP2 CU16) but no such option is presented in the drop down. I have gone through all the documentation provided and the ...
Jatin Thakur's user avatar
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AWS RDS "Maintenance Required"

I saw from the web interface that maintenance on my RDS postgresql instances is required, so I ran aws rds describe-pending-maintenance-actions, and it says that there's a "system-update" ...
RonJohn's user avatar
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Reading SQL Server .sqlaudit Files Stored in S3

I set up an audit in SQL Server that saves audit logs (.sqlaudit files) to RDS, which we then copy over to S3 using a standard process. All of the documentation I can find on reading these audit files ...
quarry-marbles's user avatar
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RDS slow queries after few weeks

Since I updated from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7 I started to have very slow queries in my Aurora RDS instance. In my local XAMPP the same queries took a few seconds but in RDS some of them were about 6 minutes. ...
Eloy Ruiz's user avatar
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How to query for Amazon RDS instance configuration?

From within a plpgsql script run on an Amazon RDS Postgres instance, is it possible to get information about instance configuration? How do I retrieve the DB instance ID, ARN (Amazon Resouce Name) or ...
Christiaan Westerbeek's user avatar
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What is MySQL doing? There are no active queries and full utilization of disk

I see an abnormal behavior of disk IOPS being fully utilized constantly for hours without no actual queries within this time range. I have MariaDB 10.4.21 running in AWS RDS at db.t4g.medium machine. ...
snowindy's user avatar
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Does the Read IOPS metric on RDS count OS cache hits?

I'm doing some tuning on a read-only replica, and I want to make sure I understand the "Read IOPS" metric. Certainly, any pages that are found in the postgres shared_buffers cache don't ...
twk's user avatar
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InnoDB - Fulltext (match against) extremely slow, wrong indexes?

I've recently migrated my myisam-tables to InnoDB and some things are a bit weird for me. For starters, the indexes looks a bit different (and maybe is the reason why the new InnoDB-implementation is ...
Oakleaf's user avatar
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SQL code Compatibility: Migrating an Oracle RDS database to an Athena Trino Datalake

We are thinking of migrating an Oracle RDS database to Athena Trino Datalake. We would keep all database names, schemas, tables, and columns the same. Would SQL that runs correctly against the Oracle ...
JosephDoggie's user avatar
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AWS RDS postgres error when running sql function: RI_constraintrigger_a_19346 is a system trigger

So I need to import django fixtures (e.g. a django's database dump essentially) in postgres on a aws rds instance. I have tested locally that the constraints of the DB are all valid (by importing ...
logicOnAbstractions's user avatar
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Why Isn't the MySQL Index Immediately Available?

We are in the process of moving from AWS RDS MySQL 5 to AWS RDS MySQL 8. We have a script that runs a few dozen queries. The last few look like this: ALTER TABLE my_right_table ADD INDEX (col_a, col_b)...
Nick P's user avatar
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Slow simple select query on Postgresql 13 RDS hosted indexed table

I am working with a simple table, hosted on RDS instance running Postgresql 13. It is using t3.small instance with general purpose SSD storage. The table and its index look like this measurements=> ...
NejcZ's user avatar
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Unable to perform the 'rds_restore_database' procedure on AWS RDS SQL Server Express

I'm facing the error Maximum supported database size on SQL Server Express edition is: 10 GB. when executing the restore procedure msdb.dbo.rds_restore_database. The weird thing is the actual database ...
Theo B's user avatar
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AWS RDS MSSQL cannot alter the availability group 'RDSAG0'. because it does not exist or you do not have permission

In AWS RDS MSSQL we have mirroring running between primary and replica via Always On. We want to remove/drop a couple of databases, but when we try: ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP RDSAG0 REMOVE DATABASE [db-...
Jesus Vidal's user avatar
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Calculating IOPS in a SQL Server EC2 - RDS migration

I'm evaluating costs for a possible migration of a SQL Server that is currently running on Amazon EC2 to Amazon RDS. On the EC2 instance I have six volumes, described as follows: type size IOPS gp2 ...
Gerardo Filho's user avatar
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Does AWS Aurora MySQL not support encrypted binary log replication with RDS MySQL master?

Trying to setup replication between an RDS MySQL (5.6) master with an Aurora MySQL (also 5.6) replica cluster in the same region via binary log replication for a work project. However, this doesn't ...
OceanMountains's user avatar
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AWS RDS SQL Server Instance, Question in Maintenance Plan

New to cloud and have questions on AWS RDS SQL Server Instance, Question in Maintenance Plan. As a DBA team we are expecting RDS access and admin access on SQL box. But was limited with setupadmin ...
user1424196's user avatar
2 votes
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PostgreSQL RDS: Slower than expected performance when large table / index is not in cache

I have a fairly large table, 43GB and a 14GB index, that consists of time series cost data. I am querying by date and summing the amount. When this data is not in the cache (either OS or Postgres) the ...
bmck's user avatar
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Replication from AWS RDS to MySQL fails because of unknown character set?

I have an RDS instance running MySQL 5.7, which I have configured as replication master, and a MySQL 5.7 running on an EC2 instance (Ubuntu 20.04) as slave. The replication breaks instantly with: ...
j4nd3r53n's user avatar
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Cannot restore the snapshot due to option group issue

There's an rds instance which uses ms sql ee with a database that uses TDE The rds itself is configured with the option group which has the TDE option within it and the snapshot gets created with the ...
nzajqqsmgwettpozoi's user avatar
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AWS RDS Postgres - Same query run on same-ish data on two "identical" servers runs 100x slower [closed]

Slightly noob-ish question/problem: I have a query that behaves differently in two "identical" setups - when run against second server, it is 100x slower. Setup is AWS RDS Postgres 12 - two ...
Ivan's user avatar
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High use of CPU on AWS RDS mysql

I am experiencing trouble with a database, I am pretty sure there are some troublesome queries created by the programmers, but I need to find the culprit. So usually I dont have a problem with the ...
Juan Diego's user avatar
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Amazon RDS MySQL high CPU issues

I am hoping for a bit of help or direction on how best to troubleshoot this issue. We have recently increased our application load (more processes interacting with the DB) and the DB CPU is constantly ...
ronnz's user avatar
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How to export data from AWS RDS MySQL database and import to an other AWS RDS MySQL database instance

I am looking for the best way to export data from one MySQL DB instance of RDS an import into a different one automatically. Any ideas?
Jordi Gallego's user avatar
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How to set PostgreSQL's permission when migrate other database to it on AWS?

We want to migrate an Oracle DB to a PostgreSQL DB in RDS with DMS. There is an official guide for preparision in the PostgreSQL's DB:
Miantian's user avatar
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For my RDS SQL server master user, I granted denyreader and denywriter to a database. Now I cannot revoke it

For my RDS SQL Server master user, I have granted denyreader and denywriter to the master user on a database. Now I cannot revoke it. There are no other db owners to the database that can change ...
Bala Krish's user avatar
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AWS RDS downsizing alternatives

I've recently increased my General Purpose SSD storage up from 1000Gb to 6000Gb in an accident. Now I'm trying to bring the storage size down to the original 1000Gb but I can't do it over the console. ...
benjamin wong's user avatar
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MySQL replication out of AWS RDS lagging

I have a very large database in RDS - just under 3 TB. I have set up a replication slave in an EC2 instance (t2.xlarge with io1 disk volume for data). OS is Debian 9, DB is MySQL 5.6. The problem is ...
j4nd3r53n's user avatar
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Oracle Storage Full, How to release space?

i have and AWS RDS Oracle Database wich its storage is full, looks like the cause is SYSAUX tablespace with 10.2GB size The largest object inside SYSAUX is: WRI$_ADV_OBJECTS (TABLE) checking the table ...
RobinNavegante's user avatar
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Parameter innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit not available in AWS Aurora 5.7

I'm trying to modify the parameter innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit on a RDS Aurora 5.7 instance from the AWS RDS Web Console and when I look through the parameters in the database I can not find it. ...
JohnnyAce's user avatar
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Amazon RDS index creation on large table over 300 M records

I need to create a new index on large table in RDS MySQL. This index is needed to reduce the scan time on this table. Below is the configuration: Table size: 400 GB Records: 400 Million column - ...
nomad123's user avatar
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How to temporarily disable foreign keys in Amazon RDS Aurora PostgreSQL? [duplicate]

Hi I am using DMS to load data from physical server to AWS Aurora PostgreSQL, but I am getting error for foreign key constraint. I want to disable using any sp / function. Could you please help me?
Jiban Sharma's user avatar
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Postgres select on a very large table

We've a very large table with more than 2.2 billion rows at present on Postgres 12.5. The total size of the table (including index) stands at 500 GB. There is one query that we need to do in order to ...
Rahul Sharma's user avatar
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database changes are lost in the next session

We just move to Amazon RDS. Now all the CREATE, UPDATE, and INSERT commands are reverting in the next session. All the tables are InnoDB and query caching is on. What could be the problem?
Fariman Kashani's user avatar
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Massive slowdown after doing an ALTER to change index from int to bigint, with Postgres

I have a table like this: create table trades ( instrument varchar(20) not null, ts timestamp not null, price double precision not null, quantity double ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Aurora MySQL: how do I keep binlogs around after reboot?

We have a request to enable binlogs on an Aurora MySQL instance and to keep those logs around for a certain amount of time. To test, we enabled binlogging with binlog_format=ROW and set our retention ...
Nate H's user avatar
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RDS PostgreSQL -> aws_lambda.invoke error: 'Unable to connect to endpoint'

SELECT * FROM aws_lambda.invoke( 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:spark-ods-lambda-preprod-myETLTest', '{"body": "Hello from Postgres!"}'::JSON, 'us-west-2', ...
quickdraw's user avatar
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Postgres Database flagged as STORAGE FULL whereas there's 45 Gb available

I will start this post by stating that I am not very experienced in database administration, please accept my apologies for any unclear explanation you may find below. We have a replica postgresql ...
Vincent Rolea's user avatar
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Query RDS postgres log size

I don't have console access, only query access to a postgres 12.5 aws rds db. show log_destination ;--stderr show logging_collector ; --on show log_directory ; --/rdsdbdata/log/error show log_filename ...
user433342's user avatar

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