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Record change broke the application

We have a database application that had a record changed in one table [RPI] that was referenced by another table [ERP] and now the entire application won't move forward or load anything from the RPI ...
GimpyHand's user avatar
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Excessive Swap Memory Usage in MariaDB Server: Causes and Solutions?

I am currently experiencing an issue with my MariaDB server where it is excessively using swap memory, leading to significant performance degradation. I am not sure why the swap memory usage is so ...
이민수's user avatar
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Cannot login into MariaDB after restarting the machine

I'm using MacOS Sonoma 14.5 and trying to login in mariadb via terminal. However, when I execute mariadb -uroot -password It is returning ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local server through ...
Victor Cordeiro Costa's user avatar
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Mariadb, installed via brew, does not run on startup

I have installed MariaDB via brew and each time I restart my computer I need to start it manually by brew services start [email protected] Also I cannot find mariadb listed in the "Login Items" ...
Leptoceratops's user avatar
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Setting MariaDB encryption

Hello I need to Configure a MariaDB server to provide data encryption during storage. I am performing the task on linux oracle 9. when I try to restart the server, I get the following message [vagrant@...
mckapusta's user avatar
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Why is the character set for the uca1400_ai_ci collation NULL?

I've been working with database collations of late. I generally don't like ambiguous queries such as SHOW COLLATION so I eventually found the source via the following query: SELECT * FROM ...
John's user avatar
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Is it better to run MariaDB on multiple smaller servers or one big one?

I have three clients that all use MariaDB for their applications. In the interest of security, I created a VM for each of them that have a 2vCPU and 4GB RAM. But I was wondering if merging their ...
Cezar's user avatar
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Duplicating tables from database1 to database2 LIKE on same server fails, error 1064

I've been reading the MariaDB manual and tutorials and apparently this should work: EXPLAIN CREATE TABLE `prefix_database2`.`table1` LIKE `prefix_database1`.`table1`;` The LIKE operator is supposed ...
John's user avatar
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Same global user works local but fails on live server for information_schema database UPDATE query

I have two database servers, local and live. The local server is running MariaDB 10.11.6, the live server is running 10.11.8. I have the exact same global user, example@localhost on both the local and ...
John's user avatar
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Failed to prune sessions: no pg_hba.conf entry for host, although connection works fine

I am using an AWS RDS Postgres database and Typeorm to connect to the database. I have also configured the RDS database to require a SSL connection. I pass the CA certificate to the database like this:...
BarbuDorel's user avatar
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Decrease high response time when reading large table in MySQL

I have a table with around 80~ million rows called parts. I have a simple query like this SELECT line_code, part_number, compressed_part_number, ...[Others columns] FROM parts WHERE (@partNumber = ...
fluid undefined's user avatar
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MariaDB 10.7 to 10.5 replication issue with DROP DATABASE

Originally posted on StackOverflow I am helping a client migrate from a MariaDB 10.7 on Windows setup to a MariaDB 10.5 cluster on Debian 11. The Windows server is called win13, the Debian machines ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Dynamically populate table values for migrating data

I have a database that was split due to collation issues because of a server migration. I have the merge1 database which is the older database free of corrupted data however it lacks newer entries. ...
John's user avatar
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How to run a query against AWS RDS "locally"?

Our company has an RDS instance of a Postgres database in AWS. I don't have much experience with AWS. I'd like to run a very lengthy query against the database (VACUUM FULL) that may take many hours ...
Vladimir Baranov's user avatar
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Merge old and new versions of the same MariaDB database

I did a server migration and when I ported the databases from the old server to the new one there was some data corruption. In example IPv6 binary data looks exactly the same however entries from the ...
John's user avatar
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How to down size the storage of AWS RDS MySQL instance?

I have an RDS MySQL instance db.m5.4xlarge with 8.3TB of data, and I want to shrink it to 4TB to save costs because it actually has 4TB of data. What are the viable options? I've tried several methods,...
user26127523's user avatar
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CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE very slow on MariaDB 10.11.6

I have MariaDB 10.11.6 installed on my Synology RS822 w/ 8GB RAM, and I've found that CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE are very slow. Even calling DROP TABLE IF EXISTS on a nonexistent table takes well ...
Colin's user avatar
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MariaDB : very high trx_rseg_history_len

I have a production server running MariaDB 10.11.6 and some simple queries are taking forever (literraly, I have to kill them even after 5 minutes). My last discovery is a very high ...
Adrien Godar's user avatar
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Hidden Unicode General Collation via mysqli_get_charset even though everything else is 520 and 1400

I did a server migration and have been doing an audit. On the new server I finally had the freedom to upgrade MariaDB to 10.11 (needed 10.10 to get Unicode 14.0 support) and was previously stuck at ...
John's user avatar
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mysql - show all users/hosts with privileges to access a certain database

Is there a way to list all users/hosts that have been granted access to a database? I know I can do this: > show grants for someuser; +---------------------------------------------------------------...
eftshift0's user avatar
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WSREP_SST: [ERROR] Possible timeout in receiving first data from donor in gtid stage

I have deployed Alma Linux 9 and MariaDB 10.11.7 with Galera 4 on two AWS instances and all the ports and firewall rules are open between 2 instances, I set the proper wsrep options and I am still ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Intermittent AWS RDS Connection Spikes Causing Production DB Outages

I'm new to AWS, and we're using a db.r7g.2xlarge instance running MySQL with default configurations. Typically, CPU usage and database connections are normal until "something" causes the DB ...
Mohamed Akram's user avatar
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MariaDB: Writing even 25MB of data into a LONGBLOB is very slow

We recently added MariaDB as a storage option for our tool. Before that we only allowed sqlite. Among other tables I have a very simple temporary file storage table: create table tmp_file_storage ( ...
Tekay37's user avatar
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AWS RDS taking snapshots outside the backup window

I administer an AWS RDS SQL Server instance, with a backup window of 22:00-22:30 UTC and a retention period of 35 days. I have noticed some peculiarities: There are 55 automatic snapshots currently ...
Christian Hayter's user avatar
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I have created a blue green deployment for my AWS RDS MySQL Database as I need to update the version. But I can't connect to the green instance?

I have an old MySQL database on AWS RDS that I need to upgrade to a newer version. I have created a blue green deployment, in order to test out the upgraded version of MySQL before switching over. But ...
Jesper's user avatar
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When to provision higher iops or throughput on gp3

We have an AWS PostgreSQL RDS instance. Not a lot of users, high loads in the overnight batch jobs. Current instance type is m6g.large (2CPU 8GiB RAM) with 1300 GB Storage on gp3 SSD with 12000 IOPS ...
Bart Jonk's user avatar
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Stuck at finding the syntax error in group_concat and prepare in MariaDB

This is a query to search all databases for a given string: set @searchTerm = ''; set @likePattern = concat('%', @searchTerm, '%'); drop table if exists Modules.Queries; drop table if ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
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Compilation of MariaDB on Windows: Multiple cryptic errors

I'm trying to compile MariaDB from source on Windows 64-bit following the official documentation. During the compilation, many errors like the following (first one) occur: [...] pcre2_error.c C:\...
user7427029's user avatar
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MariaDB completely stuck, can only kill process, what might have happened?

Saturday morning 6:30 I'm getting phone calls that "the server" is down. This thing runs a webserver and various other services, all of which were non-responsive. It turned out that the ...
musbur's user avatar
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MariaDB Crashes Every Time Restarted

OSX Sonoma, OSX Monterey Latest MariaDB from Homebrew (11.4.2-MariaDB, client 15.2 for osx10.17 (x86_64)) MariaDB won't start every time I restart the brew service or restart the computer. I ...
Penyo's user avatar
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Mariabackup incremental backup and prepare process

I want to start using Mariabackup to backup a fairly large MariaDB database (v 10.6, 250GB) - current backup is taken using VMWare snapshots but they are crash consistent. So far I have taken a weekly ...
bhttoan's user avatar
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Mariadb 10.11 on Debian 12 and character_set_database

I have a stock mariadb instance on debian 12 with no edits to the config files. When I create a table w/o specifying character set and collation, the table is created with latin1 and it's collation. ...
user44021's user avatar
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high cpu spikes on postgresql (rds)

I have a PG 15(.5) RDS instance, which is experiencing intermittent random(?) periods of high cpu; that do not seem to, afaict, correlate with an obvious cause: Here is one example. The queries being ...
grahamrhay's user avatar
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Galera Cluster: All Nodes Slowed Down After Update Query and Too Many Connections Error

I met a disability while using galeracluser and I have a question. It is an active-active 3-node structure and maintains replication through log_slave_updates=ON. I'm using MariaDB 10.5.13 version ...
samsamsamsmasma's user avatar
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Accessing RDS transaction logs

Greetings to everyone from a newcomer to this forum! There is an RDS MySQL 5.7 database the transaction logs of which I would like to inspect: more specifically, upon attempting to add foreign keys to ...
ΑΘΩ's user avatar
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This may be a lack of understanding as I am a MSSQL DBA more than Oracle. We are running Oracle on RDS in Amazon. Engine Version I dropped an old _backup table but ...
Stockburn's user avatar
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Can not create logon trigger on AWS RDS sql server instance

In order to audit logins I've used before a server level trigger catching the LOGON and saving it to a table, there are endless examples to do this. But trying to do the same on and AWS RDS sqlserver ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Why MariaDB 11 isn't using DateTime index?

I've a big table (MariaDB 11.2) with many fields, but I'll resume the table like this: CREATE TABLE `GT_CalendariProfessional` ( `CalendariProfessionalID` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `...
Dimas's user avatar
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RDS too many connections from Magento

Hi I am facing an abnormal issue with RDS. Some times the sessions increases rapidly and eventually i need to restart the database. May be it is causing due to a lock on any table. I still curious ...
Abdul Rafay's user avatar
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Unable to enable Performance Insights on Amazon RDS db.t3.small instance

I recently upgraded my Amazon RDS instance from db.t2.micro to db.t3.small. After the upgrade, I also activated the performance_schema parameter in the associated parameter group because I've read ...
Igor's user avatar
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MariaDB Performance Degradation After Brief 20 Hour Massive Improvement

Problem On 2024-05-07 20:00:00 we migrated our DB from MariaDB 10.5 on an 8 core 16GB RAM server with a 10GB innodb buffer pool to a MariaDB 10.11 server with 16 cores 32GB RAM and a 20GB buffer pool ...
Joe Keilty's user avatar
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how to use Amazon SCT to connection to an Amazon RDS database?

Apparently, Amazon SCT can be used to compare two schemas for differences. We have several RDS Postgres databases, using Native postres authentication. SCT has the option to connect to an RDS database ...
John Little's user avatar
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How to enable pg_stat_user_indexes on postgres on Amazon RDS

We want to check if we have unused indexes in our postgres 15.5 RDS instances. Currently, we did "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_stat_statements" Which enables pg_stat_satements, but what ...
John Little's user avatar
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Database isn't using the correct index

I have a table that contains several jsonb columns. Here is a simplified version of it create table if not exists files ( id int generated always as identity primary key, source text not null, ...
Aditya Chempakasseril's user avatar
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Mariadb upgrade from 10.3 to 10.11

Is it possible to upgrade from Maria 10.3 to 10.11. What are the necessary steps or any script that can be followed? Also I’m planning to upgrade my os from rhel7 to 8, what additional steps should I ...
madeinindia's user avatar
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MySQL Trigger updating second table based on History and computed values

The Goal: Update an secondary table called Lottery_Cycle when an INSERT occours on table Lottery_History with some computed values and checking previous data. Let's say a lottery with 25 numbers of ...
Wisdom's user avatar
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MariaDB general query log - ID meaning

I use MariaDB and I needed general query log for debugging my app DB statements. I wonder what ID column actually means? Is it connection ID?
JohnyProkie's user avatar
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Upgrading mariaDB from 10.3 to 10.11 InnoDB error

I tried updating my MariaDB server from 10.3 to 10.11.7 on my CentOS Stream virtual machine. I used the following statements: curl -LsS | sudo bash -...
Dennis's user avatar
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Weird behaviour with batch and trigger(MariaDB)

I found a weird issue involving mariadb. batch update from hibernate. the original question was added here :
Rudy's user avatar
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Postgres logical replication and table rename

We have a table in main DB that is getting logically replicated to another DB called SOR. We need to rename this table, and add a bunch of tables to the publication on the main DB. I tried this ...
hxcb's user avatar
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