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Hangfire & MariaDB locking issue

There is a software hangfire that uses mysql/mariadb as the backend. When the hangfire database was dropped, some InnoDB tables were left undropped and locked in some unusual way. hangfire_hash ...
Kondybas's user avatar
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Is this sql code susceptible to SQL injection?

I have a MariaDb/PHP application used for searching biological names (Latin/Swedish) from a large scientific database. The only user textual input is to provide a (partial) name in a textfield, read ...
christerk's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use mysqldump to transfer data to another server with a different database name

I have a production MySQL server and I want to copy everything to a development MySQL server (actually, I believe it is really MariaDB on the development side). Both servers are hosted (one Azure, the ...
John's user avatar
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Migrating trigger from MariaDB to PostgreSQL [closed]

I'm doing a study for a possible migration from MariaDB to PostgreSQL. The database has 66 triggers. Is there any tool that can assist in migrating these triggers?
rafael busz's user avatar
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MariaDB-Backup: Failed To Validate First Page Of File: Error 40

Hoping someone can help with this: I'm running a simple mariadb-backup --backup and I get the following error: 2024-12-12 16:38:35 mariabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces 2024-12-12 16:38:35 0 [...
Dulux-Oz's user avatar
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mariadb: why does altering a table column from unsigned to signed int (or the reverse) require the COPY algorithm?

I have database table with a tens of millions of records. For some reason the auto increment id column is a signed int and I tried to change it to an unsigned int. Goes without saying but I checked ...
jtopt's user avatar
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How can I mitigate or minimise this MariaDB deadlock?

I'm struggling with a deadlock in my booking web application when there are many concurrent users. Here are the relevant tables: mariadb> explain bookings; +-----------------------+--------------+--...
jamieburchell's user avatar
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Innodb - Can you safely ignore the warning "Memory size allocated for the temporary table is more than 20% of innodb_buffer_pool_size"

We get this warning in our online shop report.WARNING: Memory size allocated for the temporary table is more than 20% of innodb_buffer_pool_size. Please update innodb_buffer_pool_size or decrease ...
Black's user avatar
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What potential issues with MariaDB database converting from Latin1 to UTF-8

I have a MariaDB database that is set using latin1 but our PHP and HTML specify we are using UTF-8. This is causing some characters to be switched from ' to � and before I switch the database to UTF-8 ...
Brad Wickwire's user avatar
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How to handle asynchronous slave synchronization with Galera?

I have a server with a service that uses mariadb database. This machine is remote and the database is far away in a Galera cluster of two servers. Currently, this server is connected using an ssh ...
Tobia's user avatar
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Website Content Not Displaying Correctly in Vietnamese After Restoring Database from Backup [closed]

I used the Scheduled Backups feature in Virtualmin to back up my website. My hosting setup used the latest version of Virtualmin on a VPS running Ubuntu 22.04. Unfortunately, my VPS expired because I ...
Thanh's user avatar
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Where can I find more detailed MySQL deadlock logs?

We have a MySQL database in AWS RDS that was migrated recently from 5.7 to 8. One of our microservices running in ECS executes bootstrapping code at launch to iterate through a large list of table ...
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Can you downgrade provisioned iops on gp3 for postgresql RDS?

Doing an occasional analysis on a postgreSQL RDS instance with gp3 storage. Running out of provisioned IOPS. Is it possible to temporarily raise the provisioned IOPS limit? e.g. just for a day or ...
Bart Jonk's user avatar
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mariadb-backup consistently produces corrupt backups after 11.4 upgrade

We recently upgraded mariadb 10.3 to 11.4. Upgrade went surprisingly smoothly, but now backups taken using mariabackup are consistently corrupted. We use mariabackup to create replicas using the ...
Alex's user avatar
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mariadb remote access issues

Hello all my name is 0xNosaj I have a website I was given to control and move. It runs on PHP. I have only SSH access to it but I cannot seem to make the phpmyadmin site come up. How I've tried ...
nosaj seveer's user avatar
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Illegal mix of collations

I am managing a MariaDB 10.6 Server for a bunch of people. I also dump the databases for backup purposes. Recently, one of the databases started to make problems while dumping: mysqldump: Couldn't ...
Vince's user avatar
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Loading a CSV into mariadb errs out as "invalid date format"

I am trying to load CSV into a MariaDB . Having issues in transforming date . Here is an example file and two tables ( emp , where dob is declared as a date column and emp_varchar , where dob is ...
Z.DBA's user avatar
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MariaDB Server Overloading

I have a docker host on which have multiple mariadb containers each for one application. But I have one particular application, my main application which overload the server eachtime that I start it ...
BoCyrill's user avatar
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Postrgresql Logical replication causing very high buildup of log files even though replication slots are active [ AWS RDS postgresql 16.1]

I have two rds instances and have set up logical replication between them [ publisher subscriber]. for the 3-4 days everything was working fine wal files were getting cleared but suddenly when the ...
Varad U's user avatar
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MariaDB Spider Tuning

if I have a Spider database which has only Spider tables, what are important configuration keys for tuning the Spider ? For example, i heard about Spider and how it works with MEMORY table so should i ...
user216085's user avatar
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MariaDB - Is it safe to delete a large temporary file?

I am running MariaDB on a Windows Server 2022 Standard and I am running out of disk space on the system disk. I have found a file named ib534F.tmp with 65 GB related to MariaDB in the path: C:\Windows\...
Change's user avatar
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Amazon Aurora RDS - invalid undo record

Context Aurora RDS, MySQL 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.05.2 Problem The writer instance is constantly cycling. In the AWS RDS console, under Logs & events for the writer, I see Attempting to restart the ...
Tyler Sebastian's user avatar
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Connection hangs at password

Basic question: I want to connect 2 systems (A and B, on different networks) to a single mysql database. No problem with the 1st one, but the 2nd one hangs at the password: A $ mariadb -v --protocol=...
dargaud's user avatar
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Mysql process consumes High CPU & RAM even after reboot

My VPS on DO (1 shared CPU & 1 GB RAM) sometimes got high CPU & RAM, and sometimes I stopped MySQL services then restart then it becomes normally, but sometimes this way did not work Today, I ...
Phong Thai's user avatar
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MySQL Workbench error "name is not activatable"

I'm working with Arch Linux using MariaDB through LAMPP, whenever I use MySQL workbench and try to connect to my local database I get the following: Your connection attempt failed for user 'root' to ...
ItsFireStorm's user avatar
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Setting Synchronous_commit to off in Postgres in AWS RDS

0 We are experiencing significant delays in our PostgreSQL database due to LWLock:WALWrite and LWLock:WALSync waits, which are causing commits to pile up. To address this, we have undertaken several ...
sanj's user avatar
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Client timeout connection in MySQL

I'm trying to limit the amount of time my MariaDB client will wait when trying to open a connection to the server. All my searches instead find only server-side limitations for timing out stale/...
Jim L.'s user avatar
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High swap consumption during database backup with mariabackup

Hello We are experiencing a swap consumption problem when backing up our database. Every evening at 01am we run the mariabackup command and during the process swap usage rises sharply until it reaches ...
Kévin Pemonon's user avatar
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DB Link from Oracle 12c running on Solaris to MariaDb with dialog authentication method

I have Oracle 12c running on Solaris which is my main database for multiple systems and data processing. There is planned upgrade and migration from Solaris but this wont happen soon, my team is not ...
cargt4's user avatar
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MariaDB Creating a Trigger does not work

I have a MariaDB 10.6 Server on a Rhel linux and I want to create a trigger for a table. This is my code: DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER before_salary_update BEFORE UPDATE ON Employee FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ...
TimLer's user avatar
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Issues with --extra-lsndir in MariaDB Incremental Backups Not Updating LSN as Expected

I'm automating both full and incremental backups for a MariaDB instance running in Kubernetes. However, I'm experiencing an issue where the LSN (Log Sequence Number) isn't updating as expected with ...
unknown's user avatar
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PHP script fast on local MariabDB 10.2.44 but significantly slower on remote MariabDB 10.5.22

I have a PHP 7.2 script which uses MySQLi to connect to a MariaDB database. On an older host running CentOS 7 and MariabDB 10.2.44, the script running locally completes in about 10 seconds. This is ...
Confounder's user avatar
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How can I disable the MaxScale readwriterouter for specific queries?

I'm using a Galera replication and MaxScale readwriterouter. I'm facing an issue because the application has been developed with this flow: start transaction update a record commit read that record ...
Tobia's user avatar
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Cluster MariaDB Primary + Two Replicas orchestrated via MaxScale: how to recover from a major disruption?

I am working on a Mariadb cluster primary/replica handled via maxscale, to which I successfully added a third node. When I left things few days ago everything was fine. today I found that all nodes ...
albea365's user avatar
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mariadb error while setting undo tablespaces

version -- MariaDB 10.6.19 i'm learning maiadb administration, while learning about the tablespace management, I read that undo management is done in the system tablesapce. To have separate undo ...
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Is it possible to compress or parition existing huge table in place for mariadb?

I have a mariadb database set up for logging experiment data. In one of the tables, I store huge raw images every row. With a few million rows each containing 3 512*512px images, I run out of disk ...
hz lin's user avatar
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Optimal indexing for a big partitioned table

I used Rick James's partitioning and indexing guide to create this a couple of year ago but now after reading the tutorial again I am not so sure I understood it correct and that the below table is ...
Stephan Vos's user avatar
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JSON_CONTAINS in HAVING clause adds extra closing brace to JSON_OBJECTAGG

I have a table with data we've collected from various sources. It's got the item name, the source and the source's value. The table looks like the following: id name source value 1 abc web 1 2 abc ...
gen_Eric's user avatar
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MariaDB Slave not updating from Master

No errors are reported but changes on the master, even after waiting over night are not showing up in the slave. Suggestions greatly appreciated. Master Server Version = 10.6.19-MariaDB-log SHOW ...
FlyingDog's user avatar
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Select query appearing to not use the most appropriate index

I have a table with approximately 80 columns. Several of these are indexed. These include age, shoesize and height - all are integers. I then have a query that I am trying to optimise: select * from ...
Chris's user avatar
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Analyzing sql query performance issues in mysql

I am new to mysql, I have few questions in regards to query performance tuning. (Note- its version 8.0.32) I understand we use "explain analyze" to see the execution plan and it shows the ...
Pap's user avatar
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MariaDB Galera nodes rejoining but missing data after resync

I have 1 MariaDB Galera cluster composed of 5 nodes in 2 different datacenters: 3 in DC1, 2 in DC2, On DC1, one of the nodes has a pc.weight=2. Bootstrap was set on Node 1 from DC1. Data between the 5 ...
scharrua's user avatar
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Issue with MariaDB Master-Slave Cluster Failover in MaxScale When Multiple Pods Are Deleted

Issue with MariaDB Master-Slave Cluster Failover in MaxScale When Multiple Pods Are Deleted Hello everyone, I’m running a MariaDB master-slave-slave setup with MaxScale for automatic failover. The ...
unknown's user avatar
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Granting Permissions To as User in Mysql

I created user-a that has the following grant privileges SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user-a'@'%'; 'GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, RELOAD, PROCESS, REFERENCES, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, ...
Rayan Ahmed's user avatar
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MySQL 8.0 connecting to AWS RDS MySQL 5.7 with SSL/TLS CA authentication fails weirdly (Error code MY-002026)

When trying to establish TLS encrypted replication between a replication source living in AWS RDS on version 5.7.44, and a replica living in a VM on-premise on version 8.0.39, I keep getting an error: ...
klasp100's user avatar
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MariaDB Galera and Geo redundancy

I am trying to simulate 2 clusters in different datacenters/different locations, using VMWare VSXi and 6 VMs: 3 are located on DC1 and other 3 on DC2. All nodes are RHEL 9. Both DCs communicate ...
scharrua's user avatar
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How does RDS Postgres OldestReplicationSlotLag metric correlate to replication slot Log Sequence Number lag?

We run a Postgres 14.9 database via RDS Aurora Serverless. We have a logical replication slot consumed by a service (Fivetran) every 15 minutes. We noticed this behavior where the reported ...
defect's user avatar
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Mysql : how to join 2 row different colum using same table?

I try to get output from 2 row in single row for attendance report, but i dont know how. please help me Table : attendance no id punch_in punch_out 1 1 2024-10-04 08:00 2 2 2024-10-05 08:10 3 2 ...
Akram's user avatar
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Collation difference in PostgreSQL on AWS RDS and local machine

I have an issue with collation in PostgreSQL when sorting a result set. We use AWS RDS PostgreSQL, and we want to sort query results in a specific way. Locally, everything works perfectly on my laptop ...
Taras's user avatar
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Login to mariadb via .cgi script denial

New forum user here so let me know if I do anything off protocol or use improper terms. I'm migrating some perl scripts from a CentOS7 machine to Alma9 and of course mysql/mariadb is a more recent ...
cosmic11do3's user avatar

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