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5 votes
2 answers

When should I think about upgrading our RDS MySQL instance based on memory usage?

It seems like our DB server is doing garbage collection at a increasingly faster rate, which seem normal since it's growing. What's a good rule of thumb of when to switch to a bigger instance, I'm not ...
6 votes
1 answer

AWS RDS showing large growth in Write Ops/sec, despite low # DB connections?

I have a Multi-AZ AWS RDS instance running MYSQL 5.5 I've noticed that my write ops/sec are growing fairly rapidly, despite low (and sometimes zero) DB connections - see charts for Avg write ops/sec ...
1 vote
1 answer

New users not working on MySQL 5.6 in Amazon RDS

I'm using the CREATE USER and GRANT commands as mentioned here When I try to connect I get this in MySQL ...
1 vote
1 answer

What happens when the index size of my Mysql instance exceeds the innodb_buffer_pool_size?

I am using Amazon's RDS db.m1.small. innodb_buffer_pool_size is set to 1125.00 MB. Current index size is 1110.00 MB and growing slowly but steadily. I do not need more hard drive space. I want ...
3 votes
2 answers

moving to AWS RDS (InnoDB vs MyISAM

I am in the process of moving my servers from stand alone hosting to AWS using RDS (MySQL) for database usage. One of the first things RDS states is that in order to use their backup, and snapshot ...
1 vote
1 answer

What performance should I expect from MySQL (Using Amazon RDS)

I'm trying to understand whether I'm doing something wrong, or expecting too much. I have an InnoDB table on a db.m1.large RDS (MySQL 5.6.13. 7.5 GB RAM) with ~1M rows. The primary key is a ...
4 votes
1 answer

Backing up a 400-500 GB database on MySQL/Amazon RDS?

We have an Amazon RDS small instance for a MySQL datawarehousing database. Database size will be around 400-500 GB very shortly. What is the best way to backup our database? Can it be done ...
5 votes
2 answers

Stored procedures, binlog and SUPER privilege

I tried to create this function on Amazon RDS for MySQL: CREATE FUNCTION GetRootZoneId (zoneId INT) RETURNS INT READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE _id, _parentId INT; SELECT zoneId INTO _parentId; ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I synchronize data between two RDS MySQL databases

I have 2 Amazon RDS MySQL instances, one is MySql v5.5 and the new one is 5.6. I want to upgrade the 5.5 to the 5.6 but you cannot do upgrades at this time, so we are trying to migrate the data. I ...
4 votes
1 answer

AWS performance of RDS with provisioned IOPS vs EC2

Has anyone done a performance comparison of AWS RDS with the new provisioned IOPS vs EC2? I've found plenty of non-high IOPS RDS vs EC2 but nothing with the new high IOPS feature in RDS.
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to achieve Workload Management in MySQL?

Is there a way to set up Workload Management in MySQL (in particular v5.5 on AWS RDS)? By Workload Management I mean the functionality implemented in e.g. Teradata, RedShift that allows ...
2 votes
0 answers

MySql Very Slow Writes & Out of memory error

I am having a rds db instance in AWS which is used by Drupal 7 instatllation. I am getting the below error messages in the log: > 130912 11:57:39 [ERROR] /rdsdbbin/mysql/bin/mysqld: Out of memory &...
0 votes
2 answers

MySQL : Extract SQL statements from binlog

I am trying the following command to extract SQL statements from binlog for using it in another database (Amazon RDS) mysqlbinlog /var/lib/mysql/binlog.000027 --start-position=54375264 --base64-...
0 votes
2 answers

Is an AWS SQL Server RDS "log capture" the same as a transaction log backup?

When an SQL Server RDS instance provided by Amazon is configured for a recovery model using Full transaction logging, will the transaction log be trimmed by the "transaction log capture" that Amazon ...
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to connect to Amazon RDS instance [closed]

I recently created an oracle instance on Amazon RDS. Unfortunately, I'm not able to connect to the instance using Oracle SQL Developer. The (relevant) information I have from Amazon; Endpoint - The ...
2 votes
1 answer

Database Link from Oracle 10g on Windows over to MySQL database

Didn't see any answers on this subject so hoping for a miracle! :-) I've got an Oracle 10g database running on Windows Server 2003 and I'd like to create a database link to an external MySQL database ...
3 votes
2 answers

Connecting to AWS RDS DBInstance with MySQL workbench

I am trying to evaluate AWS RDS to use as possible DB for our application. I have created a DBInstance(micro) and added IP security group. I am able to connect to the DBInstance from Xampp shell ...
1 vote
0 answers

Enforce a hard limit on write execution time during Amazon RDS write stalls

I am trying to recover from the situation where Amazon RDS write operations stall (some discussion on why this is here). If I show full processlist, I will see something like this: 318263 myapp1 ...
2 votes
1 answer

MySQL localhost vs Amazon RDS instance

I am seeing unexpected behavior with some MySQL performance. When I run a simple query SELECT 1; on my local host (MySQL 5.6.x) using workbench, it executes in 0.000s, but the same query run on ...
3 votes
1 answer

View SQL's errorlog in Amazon RDS

Is there a way to view the SQL Server errorlogs in Amazon's RDS? I usually use sp_ReadErrorlog, but in RDS we need to be a member of securityadmin role.
1 vote
1 answer

MySQL optimization

I'm trying to optimize a MySQL Server to be able to serve as many connections as it can. The server is in AmazonAWS RDS and has currently the following resources: --7.5 GB memory, 4 ECUs (2 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Moving site to amazon EC2 - better to have 1 large instance or 2 medium instances?

I currently have a website which is running on windows 2008 r2 standard along with sql 2012 express. All on the same box. The site gets around 700-900 visits a day,although that is slowly going up (...
3 votes
1 answer

innodb_flush settings on Amazon RDS

Setting innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 improves my application performance considerably on my local development environment. The response time and number of requests per second on a 40 concurrent ...
6 votes
2 answers

Local database vs Amazon RDS

I am doing large INSERT into a local MySQL database I am at 2,000,000 rows and am really starting to notice the slowdown now. I always heard that MySQL wasn't very scalable I expect this database to ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to know when to scale RDS MySQL instance? How to scale it?

I'm running 1 single medium RDS instance for my websites. How do I determine when I will need to scale it up? Is there a way to scale it horizontally or I can only upgrade it to a bigger instance?
4 votes
1 answer

Migrating development and production databases to AWS

After careful thinking and asking on meta.stackoverflow, I'm posting this question on the DBA site. If anyone thinks this question should be on serverfault or any other site, feel free to close and ...
2 votes
3 answers

moving a 13 gb table to amazon rds

I am moving our current database server from a regular EC2 instance running mysql to a RDS instance. I moved all the databases using the amazon-suggested method, simply piping the mysqldump output to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Analysis of MySQL database in real time Amazon RDS similar to phpMyAdmin

I'm using a single Amazon RDS instance (medium) to power several WordPress websites running on a single Amazon EC2 instance. I used to have my databases on another EC2 instance and installed ...
0 votes
1 answer

DBT2 benchmark for AWS RDS

I am new to MySQL and linux and also AWS. Previously i have worked with windows azure and .NET framework. Currently I am trying to get DBT2 benchmark to run for AWS RDS for MySQL. I was able to ...
5 votes
1 answer

Cannot restore Amazon RDS SQL Server database to given point-in-time using SQL Server Management Studio

I'm trying to restore one of my Amazon DRS SQL Server databases. Using SQL Server Management Studio, I can correct to my DRS instance using the master account I created when creating the database ...
2 votes
0 answers

'Access Denied' in MySQL on AWS RDS

I'm trying to use an ETL (in my current case, the free version of Talend). I've successfully set up a MySQL on Amazon RDS, logged in through the MySQL Workbench for Mac, and uploaded my company's ...
7 votes
1 answer

How do I reduce the database size on AWS RDS MySQL?

I have an RDS MySQL database on Amazon Web Services. I want to reduce the size of the database in the control panel in order to save money. Q: How do I make it smaller? Their site says you have to ...
6 votes
1 answer

Does the Amazon RDS backup/snapshot service lock tables?

We have a database that is 100+GB. Most tables use the InnoDB engine. A regular dump takes 1-2 hours. If we moved to Amazon RDS, would this backup cause table locks? Does Amazon use a simple ...
3 votes
1 answer

Random write freezes

I have a MySQL 5.5.23 DB that performs about 3k qps, 5% of which are writes. Lately, I've been having a big problem with random write freezes. Everything is going great, and then all of a sudden any ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to detect whether MySQL server is running as Amazon RDS

I am writing an application wherein I want to detect whether MySQL server is running as Amazon RDS instance? Can somebody help me out how to detect it? auto_increment_increment1 ...

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