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2 answers

Give third-party access to AWS hosted MySQL

I have a production MySQL database hosted on AWS for an eCommerce store I work with. Employees in the firm are requesting access to our live SQL database to use with BI tools like Tableau/Qlikview. ...
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1 answer

mysqldump from AWS RDS slowing down

Im taking a db backup from AWS RDS (MySQL) slave from an EC2 (m5.large - 2c/8GB) in same AZ using - mysqldump -hxx -u xx -p --extended-insert --single-transaction --max_allowed_packet=1G db > ...
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1 answer

MySQL 5.6 Bug Amazon RDS with replica. AFTER INSERT TRIGGER is not working. Solutions?

I have MasterDB and ReplicaDB in Amazon RDS environment. I need to move 1 table (MYTable) from replica to other external DB (ExternalDB). My solution (do not work) was to add a AFTER TRIGGER ...
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1 answer

Mysql row-based binary logging behaving different in some versions of mysql (rows grouping)

Mysql row-based binary logging seems to have a different behaviour when grouping rows changes in some versions of mysql. Let's assume the following statement update three rows: UPDATE table_name ...
1 vote
1 answer

Aurora MySQL: how do I keep binlogs around after reboot?

We have a request to enable binlogs on an Aurora MySQL instance and to keep those logs around for a certain amount of time. To test, we enabled binlogging with binlog_format=ROW and set our retention ...
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1 answer

High CPU usage in AWS RDS

When I visit the woocommerce orders page in WordPress, MySQL RDS CPU usage goes to 100% but the website is working perfectly fine. In 'active sessions' section, "wait/io/tables/sql/handler" ...
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1 answer

Can I run commands from aws_s3 extensions as non-root on PostgreSQL?

I'm trying to copy data from S3 to PostgreSQL (Amazon AWS RDS). I've set up the following: CREATE EXTENSION aws_s3 cascade schema reporting; CREATE DATABASE my_database; \connect my_database; -- ...
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1 answer

Read Replica block queries postgres

I've RDS PostgreSQL DB with read-replica. Also, have one script which frequently checks the blocking query but I faced one issue yesterday where the blocking query was a startup(backend_type)process ...
1 vote
1 answer

RDS import from SQL backup

I'm migrating a SQL Server 2008 database from a corporate data center to an RDS instance on AWS. So far I have performed a native backup which gave me a .bak file Is it possible to simply upload this ...
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1 answer

AWS RDS mysql deadlock

Everything in our production environment was working well. Yesterday, suddenly out of no where we were getting "lock wait" on any transaction related to a specific row. Same transaction on another row ...
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1 answer

MySQL Database on RDS with memory issues

I am facing high memory utilization issue on RDS MySQL server. We are having other issues too, can someone give me a help? My database has 120GB, including indexes. Can anyone help me out to ...
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1 answer

Importing huge table exhausts UNDO extents in Oracle RDS (ORA-01628)

I'm attempting to do an impdp on RDS, Oracle 12c. I'm importing only one table for this particular impdp job but every time I try to import it, UNDO usage gets to about 50% and then the logs just say ...
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1 answer

Parameter innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit not available in AWS Aurora 5.7

I'm trying to modify the parameter innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit on a RDS Aurora 5.7 instance from the AWS RDS Web Console and when I look through the parameters in the database I can not find it. ...
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1 answer

Where can I find more detailed MySQL deadlock logs?

We have a MySQL database in AWS RDS that was migrated recently from 5.7 to 8. One of our microservices running in ECS executes bootstrapping code at launch to iterate through a large list of table ...
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0 answers

Can you downgrade provisioned iops on gp3 for postgresql RDS?

Doing an occasional analysis on a postgreSQL RDS instance with gp3 storage. Running out of provisioned IOPS. Is it possible to temporarily raise the provisioned IOPS limit? e.g. just for a day or ...
0 votes
1 answer

Amazon RDS change collate for mysql database in production without downtime

I saw a solution like this below: create a new table like your source table. alter that new table the way you want. insert your data into the new table. create indexes etc. as needed on the new table....
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0 answers

Postrgresql Logical replication causing very high buildup of log files even though replication slots are active [ AWS RDS postgresql 16.1]

I have two rds instances and have set up logical replication between them [ publisher subscriber]. for the 3-4 days everything was working fine wal files were getting cleared but suddenly when the ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to work around "row is too big" for role definitions without recreating the database?

I am running into the row is too big (ERROR: 54000: row is too big: size 9976, maximum size 8160) error in Postgres related to role permissions on a couple of my instances. I understand that after ...
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1 answer

Same postgres query in two different instances with the same data but with different times

I have the same postgres query running in two different instances restored with the same dump file: one instance in aws rds => ('PostgreSQL 11.10 on x86_64-pc-...
0 votes
1 answer

Amazon Aurora RDS - invalid undo record

Context Aurora RDS, MySQL 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.05.2 Problem The writer instance is constantly cycling. In the AWS RDS console, under Logs & events for the writer, I see Attempting to restart the ...
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2 answers

MariaDB 10.6 issue with blocked queries that can't be killed

We have AWS RDS database, MariaDB 10.6.8, and we are facing some issues with queries being blocked, the main issue is that queries would lock the table and this would cause more blocked queries: show ...
2 votes
1 answer

High Write Count/sec in my RDS server

Recently we have encountered seriously problem since we moved our mysql database from EC2 to RDS. We do have high cpu usage before moved to rds, but our website has a good speed for our customers. ...
1 vote
2 answers

AWS RDS same file_guids

Getting this error on AWS RDS with MS SQL Database XXX cannot be restored because there is already an existing database with the same file_guids on the instance. I've imported from S3 once, it ...
1 vote
2 answers

Does creating read replica in AWS RDS clear DATA_FREE of all the tables

We have a MySQL table where DATA_FREE has grown to TB in size. We are not in a position to run optimize on such larger table where we have Billions of Rows. We did POC in lower environment where we ...
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1 answer

Best way to create a daily snapshotted read-only db in RDS?

We have a PostgreSQL db instance in RDS. In our application we need to run a daily export in the early hours of every day, the export and transformation may take some time and one issue we've found is ...
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1 answer

Setting Synchronous_commit to off in Postgres in AWS RDS

0 We are experiencing significant delays in our PostgreSQL database due to LWLock:WALWrite and LWLock:WALSync waits, which are causing commits to pile up. To address this, we have undertaken several ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why does this simple select by primary key show such intensive CPU usage?

I have advanced performance metrics enabled for my m6g.xlarge MySQL instance in RDS. I'm noticing that the during CPU spikes (which are expected given our app), that it seems a simple query is ...
0 votes
1 answer

AWS RDS : Setting Create and other grants only for single Database is not working

We are using AWS RDS Mysql, and we are trying to give SELECT access to all databases i.e RO only, but for a single database, we want to give all permissions i.e CRUD. It's not working out ...
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2 answers

RDS Does Not Allow Restoring MS SQL DB from S3

I have a question for you folks who might be familiar with the intricacies of restoring a .bak file from S3 to an AWS RDS MS SQL instance. Here is what I have tried, and how far I have gotten: First ...
1 vote
2 answers

RDS Replication Error (Apply Error 1406 / Truncation)

I have a MySQL RDS instance as a master, created a Read Replica from it, and ran some schema change operations on it. To be specific, I changed the charset and collation of all the tables and columns ...
1 vote
1 answer

RDS Postgres - pg_stat_statements is missing queryid column

I upgraded my RDS postgres instances from 9.3 -> 9.4 -> 9.5 several months ago. When installing the pganalyzer-collector tool, I got a funny error that the "queryid" column does not exist in the ...
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1 answer

Mysql Replication trigger not executing on slave

Mixed replication is enabled. MySQL master has a table Products that has triggers on update and delete. On slave database we have different trigger on same table on update and delete. Master database ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can Amazon RDS grant CREATE EXTENSION to their RDS_SUPERUSER role?

I've been trying for some time to allow ordinary, non-superuser users to create extensions. While reading across RDS documentation, I find that their internal "master user", rds_superuser, ...
1 vote
1 answer

mysql/aurora not immediately seeing results of committed transactions

In a system running against an AWS aurora-mysql database, the following (obviously extremely simplified) code runs. It's a highly concurrent system, multiple threads, multiple connections to db. The ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to perform the 'rds_restore_database' procedure on AWS RDS SQL Server Express

I'm facing the error Maximum supported database size on SQL Server Express edition is: 10 GB. when executing the restore procedure msdb.dbo.rds_restore_database. The weird thing is the actual database ...
3 votes
1 answer

AWS RDS Showing CPU spikes on a MySQL system every 5 minutes -- how can I track the cause?

I'm seeing a CPU spike every 5 minutes (though it's not FIXED on the 5 minutes, every so often it's 6 minutes between a spike, then 5, 5, 5 again). None of my code runs on a 5 minute interval (it ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to reduce MySQL performance_schema memory usage caused by thousands of unique hosts?

I have a problem with some performance_schema tables (*_by_host_* and *_by_account_*) taking up too much RAM. It is caused by clients connecting from a /19 subnet (8190 unique addresses). The ...
0 votes
1 answer

Analyzing sql query performance issues in mysql

I am new to mysql, I have few questions in regards to query performance tuning. (Note- its version 8.0.32) I understand we use "explain analyze" to see the execution plan and it shows the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Granting Permissions To as User in Mysql

I created user-a that has the following grant privileges SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user-a'@'%'; 'GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, RELOAD, PROCESS, REFERENCES, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, ...
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0 votes
0 answers

How does RDS Postgres OldestReplicationSlotLag metric correlate to replication slot Log Sequence Number lag?

We run a Postgres 14.9 database via RDS Aurora Serverless. We have a logical replication slot consumed by a service (Fivetran) every 15 minutes. We noticed this behavior where the reported ...
0 votes
1 answer

MySQL - Turkey/Istanbul Daylight Saving Time Change

Until this year Turkey was using daylight saving time, staying UTC+2 on winter period, UTC+3 on summer. This year it is decided to stay only in UTC+3. Our DateTime's are persisted on MySQL (5.26.34) ...
0 votes
0 answers

MySQL 8.0 connecting to AWS RDS MySQL 5.7 with SSL/TLS CA authentication fails weirdly (Error code MY-002026)

When trying to establish TLS encrypted replication between a replication source living in AWS RDS on version 5.7.44, and a replica living in a VM on-premise on version 8.0.39, I keep getting an error: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Index maintenance on pg_catalog tables in AWS RDS

I have had some bad historical usage on my Aurora PostgreSQL instance. Namely, connections that create a lot of temporary objects and some very long running transactions (which limits autovacuum). Now ...
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2 answers

Reading SQL Server .sqlaudit Files Stored in S3

I set up an audit in SQL Server that saves audit logs (.sqlaudit files) to RDS, which we then copy over to S3 using a standard process. All of the documentation I can find on reading these audit files ...
8 votes
1 answer

RDS MYSQL instance rebooted and won't load INNODB table

So my production db in RDS apparently either crashed or was rebooted during a version update, and upon being restarted mysql couldn't load one of the innodb tables: as evidenced by the following error ...
4 votes
2 answers

AWS Postgres RDS "storage-full" and not responding. How to bring back online?

I cannot reboot nor stop the DB in AWS console. I cannot connect it with PG Admin. My Java app also print error like this. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to
1 vote
1 answer

Collation difference in PostgreSQL on AWS RDS and local machine

I have an issue with collation in PostgreSQL when sorting a result set. We use AWS RDS PostgreSQL, and we want to sort query results in a specific way. Locally, everything works perfectly on my laptop ...
0 votes
1 answer

Mysql Alter table add column with ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE

Am running below query Query Alter table dbname.tablename add column column1 varchar(50), add column column2 text , ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE; It takes more time to execute. Ideally running ...
5 votes
1 answer

Setting up cloud database for syncing to local SQLite database

Background I have a SQL Server database hosted on AWS RDS and there are web applications and WEB APIs that talk to the database. The database is a multi-tenant database and we are currently using SQL ...
2 votes
1 answer

Primary Key data type suggestion for MySQL for an application that depends in a external system. unsigned bigint vs varchar data type in primary keys

I'll give you some context and then ask my question. I'm building a database model for an ecommerce application. This application needs to communicate to another system (ERP system) to get product, ...

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