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Questions tagged [enterprise-manager]

Oracle Enterprise Manager is a web-based interface for controlling an Oracle database.

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1 answer

Oracle Database Tablespace space sizes and percent used in OEM questions.?

I am new to Oracle, and I am not quite understanding the size calculations shown in OEM under tablespaces. I know it should be simple and my well be. I need to monitor the table space but not sure ...
jmichaelwDBA's user avatar
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Unable to start DB console service

I'm using Oracle 11g database in a Windows environment. I've installed Oracle database software only, but now I'm in need of enterprise manager. Initially I tried to start them using the below ...
akr's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Oracle 12c Express Enterprise Manager webpage does not load

Problem summary When browsing to the Oracle 12c EM Express webinterface, the page times-out when using a URL like: http(s)://hostname:5500/em http(s)://hostname.domain:5500/em When using a url ...
Wouter's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

"Unable to display page" with Oracle 12c Enterprise Manager Database Express

i'm using redhat 6, installed of oracle and created a database. database (dev12ee1) is a non-container database, there is also an 11g database on the server (dev11ee1) lsnrctl status shows ...
davegreen100's user avatar
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3 answers

Oracle 12c Express Enterprise Manager on Centos 6.5 is not reachable

I have Centos 6.5, and installed Oracle 12c. As dbca utility says after configuring new db, EM Express should be available on https://hostname:5500/em In fact, it is not. Neither on localhost nor by ...
Battle_Slug's user avatar
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EMStagePatches_$ORACLE_SID is using up space

We have this directory: $ORACLE_HOME/EMStagePatches_$ORACLE_SID We are running out of space and this directory is using up a lot of space. Is it safe to delete it? I think it is something to do with ...
user142847's user avatar
2 votes
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Reorganize Objects in OEM - Host Credentials do not have enough privileges

When I try to re-organize objects from OEM (11g) and enter my host credentials (not "oracle"), I get the message: "An error occurred verifying the host credentials. Make sure the credentials are ...
GregH's user avatar
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2 answers

oracle active sessions waiting for scheduler

Load on my 11g RAC looks like this: and I don't understand how to get insight into what this "scheduler" wait class is. It seems like "scheduler" that it refers to is the process that runs scheduled ...
MK01's user avatar
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1 answer

ClassNotFoundException when trying to deconfig Oracle Enterprise Manager

The Enterprise Manager for my Oracle 11.2 installation doesn't work anymore as described in How can I change the connection descriptor used by Oracle Enterprise Manager? and I tried to re-configure it ...
Bogdan Calmac's user avatar
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Oracle 12c Enterprise Manager Database Express Subsequent Installation on Windows Server 2012

I have an Oracle 12c database instance which was installed without the option for configuring the "Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Express" How can i install it subsequent for a running instance? ...
claaser's user avatar
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1 answer

OEM 11g alerts and notifications arrive together

I setup the OEM with the Idea to receive Critical messages (emails when the DB, listener, agents and host are down/up) but it doesn't seem to be working. If I "shutdown abort" the database I wont ...
jcho360's user avatar
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2 answers

Oracle enterperise manager start error

I have Oracle database 11GR2 on Windows 7. When I want to start enterprise manager the error below is shown: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All ...'s user avatar
  • 216
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0 answers

What are the host credentials for Enterprise Manager 11g?

I am trying to use Database Replay in 11g Release 1 using Enterprise Manager. In the last step it asks for 'Host Credentials' to start the capture. But when I give the username and password for the ...
Neal's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g dbconsole "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"

The dbconsole is configured and started, but when I navigate to it, Internet Explorer shows the page stating that "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". This is the error that means that IE ...
Stuporman's user avatar
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1 answer

Oracle Enterprise Manager font problem, some text is displayed in Chinese and with squares

In Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g database control in the following section: Setup->Monitoring Templates->"Choose template name and click Edit button"->Policies tab Texts are displayed in Chinese ...
kupa's user avatar
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Enterprise Manager Database Control on host with an underscore in it's name

I know it sounds awkward, but Enterprise Manager is refusing to be set up because of an underscore in the server name: C:\>emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop STARTED EMCA um 30.05.2012 13:21:...
hal9000's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Oracle Enterprise Manager read-only access for non-administrative users

Can access to OEM be restricted to the point where you can allow a non-admin user access to it but they can't modify any objects but can still view performance data, alerts, sessions, etc? I am a ...
sukach's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) locking SYSMAN account

Why does Oracle Enterprise Manager reset my SYSMAN account to LOCKED(TIMED) status? I've tried rebuilding Enterprise Manager, and re-installation of Enterprise Manager, which always works, until the ...
Brian Deragon's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is Utility_DSN?

I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but I've started noticing that some of the hosts in my Enterprise Manager grid have a target named UTILITY_DSN. Does anyone know what this is? The one I noticed ...
DCookie's user avatar
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