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Transactional replication Snapshot agent not starting

I am trying to consider all the options before setting up transactional replication on my 2008R2 server to 2012 distribution server to 2012 Subscriber server. All the three servers are on FULL ...
user25935915's user avatar
1 vote
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Remove Transactional Replication Manually or Via SSMS?

I am setting up transactional replication on my 2008R2 server to 2012 distribution server to 2012 Subscriber server. All the three servers are on FULL recovery mode. Log backup is taken every 15 ...
Preety's user avatar
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1 answer

Table structure where name changes to be retained

Example Situation - order table with client list and products. In below example table , when client name/company changes (company name may change) when updating records need to retain old company name ...
technofreaks's user avatar
0 votes
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Survey Database Structure

I am building a database to feed into a PowerBI dashboard. The data is extracted as CSV (SurveyResults) from Survey Monkey which will be loading into the MSSQL database. The outcome i am after is the ...
Vine's user avatar
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3 votes
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Ensuring Uniqueness Across Columns

I'll lead with this: Perhaps the database design is wrong, so I will accept a re-design as a solution! Consider the following table: ID | TypeA | RefA | TypeB | RefB -- + ----- + ---- + ----- + ---- ...
aaroncatlin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Basic RDBMS table relations

If you have a design of a "master table" and several "subtables", is it better* that the master table "link" to each of the sub tables, the subtables link to the master, or for bi-directional links be ...
mpag's user avatar
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2 answers

Schema Generation

I am trying to generate Schema with 90000 tables from Generate Script option but after sometime it returns error. DB size 600 GB. What's the other way around? Microsoft.SqlServer.Management....
Debajit Chandra's user avatar
0 votes
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Any reason for declaring a view with cross-database SELECTs for the same database?

I currently have to take over an old project and found a single view that's kind of a special snowflake because it's declared this way: USE [DbName] GO create view [abc].[vXyz] as select id, name, ...
Staeff's user avatar
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2 answers

Does using lower Isolation Level improve OLTP performance?

We have a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance which gets millions of rows of data per day from automatic devices such as CTI and AVR. On the same instance there are many heavy reports which analyze the data. ...
alonk's user avatar
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1 vote
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How should I build a DB to hold data about another database

I know that this is a strange question. I need ideas and/or advice, not necessarily "how-to"s. I work with data from a 3rd party tool/database. I do not have permissions to modify this production ...
Macromika's user avatar
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Developing Access DB to SQL? [closed]

I built a database several years ago in Access to track over 4K pieces of equipment in and out of a shop, where it was going, current status, etc. It's dying. I would like to upgrade it, but unsure if ...
K Van's user avatar
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Efficient way to store multi choice in a column with few options

I am looking for advices on how to handle multiple choices in a column? By way of example lets say selecting a fruit for lunch. Options are Apple or Pear. And you are 100% sure those two options ...
Rob's user avatar
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why some one will use approximate data types for sales

I was messing around with Kartris online shop and I was reading this definition for a product version(you have basic information of a product in one table and many versions of products wich can have ...
GoAntonio's user avatar
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Really big LOG backups on a DB with Image field

Normally, our log backups has < 10MB size In a big database with a lot of transactions per hour ). But now we have a database, that is storing Images on a Image field. the problem is, the ...
Racer SQL's user avatar
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What is the best SQL Server field type to cast to when storing a UNC path stored in a sql_variant field?

What is the best choice of field type to cast to when storing a UNC path in a sql_variant in Microsoft SQL Server 2008? It appears that I could store up to 4000 characters according to Microsoft ...
EleventhDoctor's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the best design for dynamic assignment of locations for variable sized grid boxes to occupy?

I want to build a database that will have limited single locations to put boxes. It's divided by lanes and bays. Imagine a 4x4 grid, with a total of 16 slots, and every time I query the tables, I ...
mslugx's user avatar
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Soft delete to improve performance: all wrong?

A few years back I read soft delete would improve performance of deletion, because instead of actually removing the item and impact the clustered (and all other) indices, it would just change a value. ...
Serge Profafilecebook's user avatar
2 votes
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What should we do when same column fields occurring multiple time in many tables?

I have more than 20 tables in my database. There are some columns which occur in almost all of the tables. In that case what should I do? Do I put all those columns in every table or is there a better ...
Govinda Rajbhar's user avatar
2 votes
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Filegroup design for Document Table for BLOB Storage

I have a table for storing documents as VARBINARY types in my database (I'm not using filestream). My database is setup with only one data file, but I am wondering if there is a benefit to creating a ...
Tim's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to Execute multiple select statements in SSIS 2008 using Data flow task [closed]

I am migrating data from one database to another database using SSIS package and i need to write multiple select statements for same table depending on conditions as mentioned below. Actual Queries i ...
Dinesh Reddy Alla's user avatar
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Copy of a database with an existing database with schema and data in sql server

I have two databases one is having master kind of tables and other will have transaction data. I should create a new database with a structure of an existing database to my clients. Here is the ...
Gayathri L's user avatar
3 votes
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How to create a Relation between a table and a many-to-many relation table

I am buildng a new database inside an Sql server 2008 r2.I have the following tables & business rules:- Skill that have predefined levels assigned to it, such as junior, senior, manager. Staff ...
john Gu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

optimize design for a table with 50 columns [closed]

I have a table with 50 column and one of my friend has told me to split the table in 4 different table to save 12 column in each table. He proposed a design to have Master table and refer the PK of ...
NotAdba's user avatar
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Report individual changes to data

I need to produce a daily extract on the individual changes to a dataset. So, there are 14 tables containing product and customer information and the extract must only show records from each table ...
Stu Harper's user avatar
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Enforce referential integrity between two groups of data

I have two sets of records: A collection of rules. A collection of actions to perform based on those rules. What I'm trying to model is something like this: Multiple rules can be grouped together ...
Josh's user avatar
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Are #tables and #procedures 'not best practice' or 'bad practice'?

I am working on a project and part of it is an interface tool that executes SQL code stored in a xml file to import/export files. In the file, temp procedures and temp tables are used quite heavily (...
Vladislav Zalesak's user avatar
1 vote
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Should I use a surrogate key in a mapping table?

I am deploying a mapping table which connects Items to ItemGroups Though an Item will only ever be in a single ItemGroup please accept a priori it is not appropriate in my use case to append a column ...
Matthew's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How to create new table with same constraints and indexes?

I am Creating a new table with Primary Key Constraints and a Non Clustered Index in that table. I know, I would like to create another table with same structure and values as well keys and indexes ...
Vinoth _S's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

How To change the column order?

How To change the column order in sql server 2008 R2? Eg: My table order is Eid------Ename-----Esalary Know i want this format like Eid---Salary----Ename Thanks.
user avatar
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2 answers

how to store multiple value in column in sql server [closed]

I am creating job post application. In my first table the columns are This is my master table ID Position jobDescription minExp maxExp LastDate InterviewDate Project HiringManager interviewer ...
bheesham's user avatar
3 votes
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Most efficient queries on flags in TSQL: bit field or table join?

Looking for the most efficient database structure for selecting rows from a large table based on one or more true/false values. For example, whether or not a user has opted in to marketing ...
MikeTV's user avatar
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Calulating savings between two schemes

I've normalized a single table to reduce the number of nullable columns from 3 down to 0. The idea was to save a little drive space but I'm seeing a 45% decrease in space needed to store the same ...
TugboatCaptain's user avatar
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Database Design guidance required

I have scenario where there is Table T with columns PK,A, B, C,D TABLE t ( PK, A, B, C, D ) i have to insert data from different sources ie columns A,B,C,D are calculated separately.. and they same ...
sqlengineer's user avatar
1 vote
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Autoclose property resets to true after attaching db even if model is set to false

I am using SQL Server Express 2008 R2. The auto close property of a newly created database will be set to value same as model db. In my case I have set autoclose to false for model so that when I ...
IT researcher's user avatar
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SQL Server performance for tables having large number of columns [closed]

I have a requirement where I need to create a table with about 600 columns. Out of 600 columns about 200 columns will be XML columns. Other column will be of other datatypes such as int, varchar, ...
IT researcher's user avatar
3 votes
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Mathematical method for spotting irregularity in numbers flow

I am trying to build an engine which is going to predict orders for items inside shop. Three main variables are: Time-dates (x-axe etc 1.1.2013,1.2.2013 etc I do calculation one per day) Available ...
adopilot's user avatar
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Record versioning and promotion

Let's say we have this hierarchy: -World --USA ---WA ----Seattle -----Downtown ------1st Ave -------945 1st ave ------3rd Ave ---...
user4079's user avatar
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How to store a sequence of events related to a transaction

I am using Sql Server 2008 R2. I have two tables that describe import processes and export processes. Import table has these columns with others that just have details about each type of import ...
Archangel33's user avatar
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SSIS Design consideration with object variables

I have an SSIS package for SQL Server 2008 R2. In the package I am required to work with an Access database (one to many) and iterate through it running validation checks with the data. The validation ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Best way to index a table with two datetime columns that are equally queried

Sql Server 2008 R2. I have a table with ~70m records, about 10 inserts per second. It's currently clustered on a CreatedAt datetime column, which always increases. 50% of queries involve this ...
Nik's user avatar
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SSIS package with BULK data load

I analyzed a C# program over the weekend for a customer that basically does the following: Truncate Table Fetch Data (source on these is either remote database or local database where job runs) ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Applying user-defined fields to arbitrary entities

Currently we have an old (rather crude) system that has user-defined fields, which are mapped against rows in arbitrary tables. This was an after-the-fact modification based on a customer request, and ...
Polynomial's user avatar
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Issues on defining a PK on a nvarchar column and indexing the FK referring this PK

Someone from the team, has defined two reference tables with a few records in each, and has defined the PK of these tables on a column of type nvarchar(255). The value exists in this columns are ...
Sky's user avatar
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8 votes
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Efficient way of changing VARCHAR to NVARCHAR fields in a large table in SQL Server 2008?

I am aware of when adding new fields to large tables, it is recommended to add them to the end of the fields rather than somewhere in the middle, and wondering if something like this applies when ...
ElHaix's user avatar
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7 votes
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Design best practices for last tracking with indexed view

My tables structure is below : TbDoc (ID int , ...) TbDocActions( ID Int, DocID Int, Date DateTime, col1 int, col2 int, ...) I want to have indexed view to get last TbDocActions columns for each ...
mehdi lotfi's user avatar
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11 votes
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Tools for Identifying Needed Indexes

I want to create the best indexes for each table in my database. Is there a query or tool in SQL Server to help with this process?
mehdi lotfi's user avatar
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Choosing the right field data type in SQL Server 2008

I got a request to create a new table that will store certain information for customers. The definition of the table is somewhat irrelevant except for one field. This field will store ANSI characters ...
Eddie Paz's user avatar
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14 votes
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Do I need a separate Id column for this "mapping" table?

I have a table of Producers and a table of Products, both of which are of the form: Id - int, Primary key Name - nvarchar A Producer can carry multiple Products, so I was going to create a table ...
Josh Darnell's user avatar
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Adding Row Version to SQL Server table

I have a table in a database with three columns: ID, Key and Value. Everytime I update the record, I have a trigger that sends these updates to another table and creates a new record in it, who's ...
Brian Mains's user avatar
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DATETIME2 and IDENTITY as composite key

I am currently developing a new database schema with an opportunity to do things right. The purpose of the development effort is to collect data (events) from various sensors that will be recorded ...
abaderts's user avatar