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Not authorized on test to execute command

Turns out that I was missing a /authDBName in my connection string. It should be this: mongodb://myUser:[email protected]:27017,
now_world's user avatar
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Mongo Preventing access to dangerous command

That is referring to the legacy mongo shell which was deprecated in MongoDB v5.0 and has been replaced by mongosh. There is no DB in the mongosh shell. If you are using an older version of MongoDB and ...
jQueeny's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it really possible to use SQL injection to change a database, or is this a scam?

Let's look at this carefully: ... gaining access to the database through an SQL inject ... ... the only systems vulnerable to this would be the worst ones, configured by somebody who has never used ...
Phill  W.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Best way for processing over 150 million rows MySql

Big Updates (and Deletes) are problematic. Plan A: Avoid the big update. If value1 should always be 'somevalue' when idRo2 = 1, then don't store it in the table; store it elsewhere and use a JOIN. ...
Rick James's user avatar
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How to get applied stored procedure for inserted row in mysql php query

CREATE PROCEDURE has no IF NOT EXISTS. You have to drop it and create it a new Also php and mysqli don't add DELIMITER to the CREATe PROCEDURE, so you have to do it yourself. So the code must loook ...
nbk's user avatar
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Trouble connecting to local MongoDB server through app.js

As per the log, it's clear the nodejs app is getting 'undefined' as the value of MONGO_URI from process.env Print the value of MONGO_URI before mongoose connect and check it might be undefined. ...
Shreeram K's user avatar
1 vote

Migrating timezone timestamps

You can do only one thing var mystring = "2020-03-22T20:38:48.347Z"; mystring = mystring.replace(/Z/, ''); mystring = mystring.replace(/T/, ' '); console.log(mystring); 2020-03-22 20:38:48.347 see ...
nbk's user avatar
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