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Redshift : Amazon's Column-Oriented Database Product

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16 votes
2 answers

Grant SELECT on all tables in Redshift

I am trying to assign SELECT privilege to a group in Redshift. So I created a group and a user in that group: CREATE GROUP data_viewers; CREATE USER <user> PASSWORD '<password>' IN GROUP ...
Salvador Dali's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Redshift table not showing up in tables for schema?

On Redshift, why doesn't my table show up in the following query? It definitely exists, as shown by the next query I run. I want a way to list all tables for a schema: mydb=# select distinct(...
Some Guy's user avatar
  • 251
14 votes
3 answers

How to increase column size in Redshift database tables?

In oracle, I can: Alter table table_name modify column_name datatype; Is this possible in a redshift database?
Vinoth _S's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Alternative to EAV for dynamic fields in a star schema data warehouse

I need to support dynamic fields and values in a big datawarehouse for storing API requests log, my user case is that I need to store all API requests query string and able to perform query against ...
Howard's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Dimensional Modeling and ETL in Redshift

I have been researching Amazon's Redshift database as a possible future replacement for our data warehouse. My experience has always been in using dimensional modeling and Ralph Kimball's methods, so ...
njkroes's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Storing multiple tags on analytics database

I would like to store user purchase custom tags on each transaction, example if user bought shoes then tags are "SPORTS", "NIKE", SHOES, COLOUR_BLACK, SIZE_12,.. These tags are that seller ...
Kanagavelu Sugumar's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Deduplicate SELECT statements in relational division

I have a query that does a lot of duplicate work: SELECT visitor_id, '1'::text AS filter FROM events WHERE id IN (SELECT event_id FROM params WHERE key = 'utm_campaign' AND value ...
Sam's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Simple queries to Redshift really slow

I just started testing AWS Redshift and populated a single node with the AWS sample data. Querying a table with 10 or ~400 rows takes around 2 seconds, uncached. I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding ...
Till's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to Clone a RedShift Database?

For some test and development work we would like the ability to routinely clone existing RedShift databases (all schema and all data). Something like a backup-restore. The best I can find starts by ...
MatBailie's user avatar
  • 232
6 votes
4 answers

Can't DROP GROUP, cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it

RDS Version: PostgreSQL 8.0.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3), Redshift 1.0.1161 I've been wrestling with this issue for a few days now, and all ...
squeekwull's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Median absolute deviation for time series outlier detection in Amazon Redshift

Context I am tasked with trying to detect outliers in time series data in an Amazon Redshift (PostgreSQL) system. Also known as a public holiday detector around the office. The method I have been ...
Josh Peak's user avatar
  • 163
5 votes
5 answers

Drop user in redshift which has privilege on some object

I have a pretty standard problem that I can't resolve. I want to remove a user in redshift DROP USER u_A; which returns me: user "u_A" cannot be dropped because the user has a privilege on some object....
Salvador Dali's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Understand why rank() over doesn't fit to don't select duplicates rows

I would like to understand why I have different results I have a table called active_transfert where I log image transfert user_id | image_id | created_at --------|----------|----------- 1 |1 ...
Mio's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Redshift: Return rows if value exists in cell array

How do I return the rows that include a particular value in a column's cell array? Imagine we have a table like so: id name phone values 1 Taylor [4,6,5] 2 ...
Myg0t's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Redshift throws Value too long for character type character varying(100) even when values are within the range

I am aware what this error message Value too long for character type character varying(100) means. So I often look for the rows which cause the trouble and fix them appropriately as deemed fit by the ...
nightgaunt's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Finding earliest connected value over two columns

I have a, perhaps slightly esoteric, use case. Given a table like the following: id1 | id2 | timestamp -----+-----+--------------------- 3 | 4 | 2016-03-22 09:52:15 1 | 2 | ...
Christoffer Pedersen's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Amazon Redshift - The difference between Query Slots, Concurrency and Queues?

We are building a business intelligence system, and we have a huge PostgreSQL Database (DB) where we make all the info processing, and a Redshift Data Warehouse (DWH) where we store the data and ...
unmultimedio's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Storage size for varchar length in Redshift

So, a lot of databases will store the length prefix for a varchar field in 1 byte if the length is less than 255, and 2 bytes if it is more. For example, the MySQL docs say: In contrast to CHAR, ...
John Chrysostom's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Redshift - Optimize Expensive Query

I have two tables in Redshift that I am trying to do a join on to get zip code demographics based on a users normalized ip address. By normalized address, I mean that it is concerted to a uniform ...
user2694306's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Amazon Redshift "cache lookup failed for aggregate" error when using median aggregate

I recently ran into this error message and am posting an answer here so that the solution is easily searchable in the future. Problem: The following query returns an error message when run on Amazon ...
Michael Burge's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I convert cents retained as integers to dollars as decimals?

I have cent values, retained as integers, that I need to convert to dollars and show them as a decimals. Example A value is kept as 1925, so I need to be able to return 19.25. This is what I had ...
D3AD_PIX3L's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Redshift: InternalError: cache lookup failed for relation

I have been speaking with Amazon support about this but their only solution is to "keep trying," which has not been successful. The issue is when running our ETL we intermittently get the following ...
Alex's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Amazon Redshift: "*SELECT* 1" vs. volt_dt_0 vs. volt_tt_51343b6aa3bd4

I've noticed subqueries in Amazon Redshift can be represented in the explain plan in 3 separate ways: -> XN Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 1" -> XN Subquery Scan volt_dt_0 -> XN Seq Scan on ...
foobar0100's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Redshift DISTSTYLE ALL table takes less disk space?

(Self-migrating from StackOverflow.) We have a fat table of exactly 591 columns in Redshift, distributed by a key. We were unaware that fat tables chew up space - 2 blocks per column per slice, ...
Thomas Andrews's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Managing code and deployments to Amazon Redshift

I am finding it difficult to manage and deploy schema changes to my Amazon Redshift database. Ideally, I would like is to have the code for my database under source control and use a schema ...
Liam Confrey's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Redshift: Table columns can be found in information_schema.columns but not in pg_catalog.pg_table_def

I create a table in Redshift. When I tried to search for the table definition, I get back results from information_schema.columns by running the following query: select * from information_schema....
Lee's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Validate id sequence consistency in records in Redshift

I have a backend that log event to Redshift, for each event it generates a unique id. The id is a sequential number. I have something like (events table): +-------------------------+------+ | ...
Mio's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Best way to store, query and update 300M rows of data

I'm struggling to find a solution (preferably DBaaS) that I can rely on for storing and querying some 300M rows of data (roughly 100GB). The data in question is pretty much numeric. There is also one ...
Milovan Zogovic's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Redshift Spectrum Implicit Unnest of List in Join

I have data that is stored in S3 and I am querying it using SQL via Redshift Spectrum. One of the columns is stored as a list in the S3 file like so: Table_ABC column_a items_list a. [item_1, item_2]...
peegee's user avatar
  • 61
3 votes
1 answer

Redshift: How to fix serializable isolation violation(1023) caused by concurrent MERGE operations?

My use case is to extract, transform and load data incrementally and in real time from x number of Lambda functions. I expect multiple Lambda functions to be running concurrently and Redshift to stay ...
Andrew Lam's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Diagnosing the error in a Postgresql to Redshift migration through psycopg2

I am running a job class that contains the following: A Postgresql connection that can issue SQL statements A Redshift connection that can do the same an S3 connection to function as an intermediary ...
yburyug's user avatar
  • 235
3 votes
1 answer

Is Redshift translating "dbo" schema to "public" schema?

We have a strange issue which has appeared in the last couple of days. We have two Amazon Redshift clusters. One cluster has our production workload, and the other cluster has our non-production ...
Appleoddity's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Use or include external schema in search_path on Redshift

Narrative I have a sql script that creates a bunch of tables in a temporary schema name in Redshift. I don't want to repeat the schema name a bunch of times, so I would like to do something like the ...
combinatorist's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Failed to run query: error: 1023 on Redshift

I have a lambda : 'use strict'; const config = require('./redshift_config'); const pg = require('pg'); const redshift_conn = `pg://${config.user}:${config.password}@${}/${config.database}`...
Mio's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Alternatives for storing 365TB of info

I need to upload daily CSV dumps to a blackbox of my choice, and it should be possible to run queries or create filters over the uploaded data. Daily dumps weight around 1TB and are basically id, ...
ffflabs's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer


I received a list of column names from another team. To ensure all field column names are valid inside a specific schema, I put them into a temporary table. I'm now wanting to see if they exist. When ...
Lee's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Redshift Spectrum CTE Union

I have a query with a CTE that uses a Spectrum table. When I try to union the CTE with itself: WITH foo AS ( SELECT col1 FROM ) SELECT * FROM foo UNION ALL SELECT * FROM foo; I get ...
dmca's user avatar
  • 123
2 votes
2 answers

Redshift Deep Copy Disk Space

I am trying to perform a deep copy on RS. See I created the new/temporary table using the SAME DDL with compression settings ...
Drew's user avatar
  • 123
2 votes
1 answer

How to validate data before loading it to DB

I have a situation where in I have million records in CSV file, what I need to do is to apply some business validation on certain columns of CSV and load data to DB only if particular record is valid. ...
Vipin's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Querying on multiple joined rows

I have a table called visits that is structured like so: +----+--------------+-------------+ | id | name | visitor_id | |----+--------------+-------------+ | 1 | event1 | 1 |...
Sam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN cannot run inside a transaction block;

I am trying to alter column in redshift from varchar(30) to varchar(100) Its not working and throwing an error as below: Command used: alter table t_name alter column c1 type varchar(300); Error: [...
jagdish's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

Set default scheme in Redshift

I'm trying to set the default schema to a user in Redshift with alter option, because I do not want it to write to the public schema by default. I am using the following order: alter user user_1234 ...
lk2_89's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to change the default timezone in Amazon Redshift?

Setting a timestamp column to SYSDATE by default, stores it as UTC. Is it possible to change the timezone so SYSDATE stores dates and times to a different timezone? So far, I've checked the SET ...
Jorge's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Unexpected Redshift support for the ISNULL() function. Is this documented?

As far as I know, the ISNULL() function is only compatible with T-SQL. Yet, I am working on a Redshift cluster, using Datagrip, that accepts the ISNULL() function and returns results without error. I'...
dev_etter's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

SELECT inside SELECT in Redshift

select t.col1, t.col2, a.col1, b.somecolumn VQ.a, VQ.b, VQ.e, VQ.d, VQ.f, (select t.status as a, as b, p.permit as c, p.des as d, p.error_code ...
Swathi Ravindran's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to perform a running count on null values that resets on non-null values

I am trying to calculate a column that performs a running count of consecutive null values, but the running count will reset upon non-null values. Currently I am trying to do it with a window function ...
user3348557's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Copy to file and transform arrays

I'm copying data from a Postgres DB on AWS RDS to a Postgres-like DB on AWS Redshift. Varchar arrays are being exported as {foo,bar} but Redshift wants them as ["foo","bar"]. Redshift doesn't ...
Dennis's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What code underlies the PG_GET_LATE_BINDING_VIEW_COLS sys information function?

We want to transition to late-binding views, but late-binding view metadata is not presented by some clients (workbench/J, Toad, pgcli) which makes it hard to discover column names in these views. AWS ...
respondeo's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Efficient way to create daily summary table

I'm trying to create a daily summary table that captures characteristics of each client known as of every given date that my company has been in business. The challenge is that there are so many ...
user554481's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Redshift- How to use previous row's calculations in current row

I am using redshift to determine projected inventory for next few week. I have receipts, current inventory and forecast. ei= ei(previous row) + receipts - forecast wk bi r f ei 1 100 20 ...
igotsar's user avatar
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