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6 votes

Why SQL Server Migration Assistant keeps crashing on the 'Migrate Data' step?

One more thing that helped me in addition to setting affinity to Core 0 only: SSMA stopped crashing after I set Parallel Data Migration Thread Count to 1. You can find it in Tools > Project ...
Starina's user avatar
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3 votes

SSMA for Access - Migration Assistant Wizard fails at link tables

I was able to work around the problem by doing the following: Allow the migration assistant to complete (with link converted tables failing) Manually add MySQL linked tables to Access Open Access, ...
Chris Purves's user avatar
3 votes

Table names when migrating MySQL to Microsoft SQL Server

This is because the two database engines are designed this way: Microsoft SQL Server: There is a SQL Server Instance --> which contains multiple databases --> each database contains schemas ...
Francesco Mantovani's user avatar
1 vote

How to compress data in SQL Server? The data warehouse raw data is times bigger than the MySQL OLTP database for the same tables

The sales_order table contains 7'100'000 rows with size 5.5GB. However, in the data warehouse, the same table sized 20GB SQL Server has several different table compression options. The one most ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
1 vote

SSMA error "Assembly 'SSMA4OracleSQLServerExtensions.NET' was not found in the SQL catalog"

Right-click assembly and select synchronize with database. This will transfer assembly definition into database.
SkaarjFace's user avatar
1 vote

Microsoft access to Sql Server Data Migration

I would use the SQL Server import wizard, but make sure to use staging tables to import the data from Access, so you can perform data cleansing before inserting on the definitive tables. A staging ...
Eduardo Pivaral's user avatar
1 vote

Oracle to SQL Server migration

Conceptually, yes, SSMA is well equipped to handle large Oracle DB migrations. However, every environment is different and depending on what idiosyncrasies your Oracle DB holds, this may or may not ...
John Eisbrener's user avatar

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