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Questions tagged [merge]

A SQL statement that can conditionally insert, update, or delete target rows.

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Do I need a `HOLDLOCK` on a `MERGE` that's not sourcing from another table?

I need to know whether the following pattern requires me to use HOLDLOCK in a very highly concurrent environment. Particularly note that the source is not another table. It's basically parameters that ...
hyankov's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Blocking between two MERGE queries inserting into the same table

Scenario I have a large table partitioned on an INT column. When I run two different MERGE statements on two different partitions of this table, they seem to be blocking each other. Sample code to ...
ToC's user avatar
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Two SQL databases combined [closed]

I have an accounting firm client that recently acquired another firm. They both use the IDENTICAL software products that utilize a SQL server, so the table structure should be identical or nearly ...
Steve Jones's user avatar
5 votes
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Merge Delete on joined tables is allowed but has a bug

To start off, an updatable CTE, derived table or view may be the target of an UPDATE directly, even if it has multiple base tables, as long as all columns are from the same source table. But they ...
Charlieface's user avatar
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What are the idiomatic approaches to cross-server upserts?

This is a very common problem, faced by virtually every DBA who has to responsibilities to both application and BI teams. Consider the following: You have two T-SQL servers, Production and Reporting. ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Delete records from table that are not in the file being inserted

I have a Snaplogic pipeline that queries a web application every night and loads the data into a SQL Server table. I use the 'Update' snap to add new records or add any changes. The goal is that the ...
Matt's user avatar
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Optimize import data from one table into another

Edited on mustaccio request. I have simple table: -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.objects; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.objects ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('objects_id_seq'::...
Solmorth's user avatar
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Outputting source column in MERGE OUTPUT clause

I have a relatively simple question with an implied answer, but not an explicit one. Here's the background. Here are the 3 schemas I'm working with: --Source Data: ProjectID, ProjectName, CompanyName ...
Vocoder's user avatar
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Update or insert records to the same table based on a similar table but with conditions

I'm tryin to update or insert records on the same table based on a similar table using Merge but based on the count of records in the source table. I have 2 tables say one is POV [pov, dc, item](the ...
Akash Reddy's user avatar
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MongoDB: How to merge a BSON backup with a '.wt' back-up

I am trying to merge a mongodb deployment with a previous back-up due to some processing that took place on the data. I have downloaded and extracted the backup to recover the '.wt' files and can set ...
mspen_golf's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to update an existing table in a single statement, using the output of a MERGE statement?

I know I can achieve this in many ways - this is a purely academic question to see if it's possible to do this in a single statement, in order to further my knowledge of SQL. We're splitting an old, ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
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Merge Replication in SQL2019 database is restored to new server NOT keeping_replication

Merge Replication in SQL2019 database is restored to new server NOT keeping_replication but in restored database we find MSmerge_cont_% system views. The last part of the system view name appears to ...
Rick Willemain's user avatar
3 votes
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MS SQL Server Merge statement does not update NULL values

I have two tables, one in database db1 and another one in db2. They both are identical and only have id, name (varchar) and data (float). I do this query to move the data update source table in db1 to ...
Dmitry Sazhnev's user avatar
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SQL Server Merge Replication bulk delete leaves subscriber databases large

We have SQL Server 2017 merge replication set up with three subscribers (running SQL Server 2017 Express). We need to clear data from the server database occasionally to reduce the database size at ...
Steve Colley's user avatar
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HOLDLOCK required in MERGE with UPDATE

Within a .NET 6 application the EntityFramework is used to keep track of entities and to update related fields. To improve bulk updates, the EfCore.BulkExtensions package has been added. During a ....
Odrai's user avatar
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25 votes
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Why MERGE doesn't insert more than 277 records into a table which is configured with temporal table and a non-clustered index on history table

I found again an issue with SQL Server and MERGE statement and need some confirmation. I can reproduce my issue constantly on a Azure Database (but not on a on premise SQL Server 2017/2019). Please ...
Daniel C.'s user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Minimise duration of table lock

I've got a SQL table that needs to be updated daily. There may or may not be queries against that table while the update is happening. It's around 500,000 rows. We have an issue where there is locking ...
the Ben B's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the difference between MERGE vs. MERGE INTO?

What is the difference between MERGE vs. MERGE INTO? What are the use cases for each? Surprisingly, I couldn't find any existing question that asks about this difference. The documentation for MERGE ...
HeyJude's user avatar
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Why does UPDATE FROM fail and MERGE works on a View with an INSTEAD OF Trigger?

Sometimes for refactoring, I use a View to abstract the changes and use INSTEAD OF Triggers to mimic the previous functionality. I've run into error 414 (or 415) in the past UPDATE is not allowed ...
Zikato's user avatar
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merging nearly- duplicate rows from different databases in the same table

I am sure , that many people before me faced a need to merge nearly- duplicate rows from several databases. However, I have not been able to find a simple yet general solution. I provided a data ...
YW T's user avatar
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MSSQL. Is it possible to execute bulk MERGE ignoring failures?

Suppose we have a simple relationship between two tables (Products and Categories) And they contain following data: And I want to do a SQL MERGE operation on the dbo.Products table from a temporary ...
Cristian E.'s user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

MERGE into a view with INSTEAD OF triggers

I have a view with instead of triggers and I'm trying to use it with EF Core, which tries to batch inserts together in a form of merge statement. Here's my table and view: create table tbl (id ...
torvin's user avatar
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pg_dump -> import traject using "upsert" paradigm?

Well say I have two physically separate database and I wish to replace database B with data from A. Except that I wish to keep the data in B which does not exist in A? So basically I'd go over each ...
paul23's user avatar
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sqlserver - Insert from xml generated with `select for xml`

Is there a simple way to create an XML (file, variable, value in column, whatever) with select * from table for xml ... and later automatically insert this data into identical table in different ...
Jędrzej Dudkiewicz's user avatar
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"merge" two tables -from different databases- together?

Well say I have a table running on a database at localhost (donor database A), and a receiving table running at another server externally (database B) With table creation (on both sides) like: CREATE ...
paul23's user avatar
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Why SQL Server's MERGE has such a huge Excessive grant when compared to INSERT + DELETE?

I am trying to optimize a security computation process for a Web application by trying to making it synchronous (compute on the fly for an entity) instead of asynchronous (large computation for all ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Receiving error "invalid identifier" while trying to update a table in Oracle

I'm trying to transform a Merge query into an Update query for getting better performance but I could not succeed. Tables structure: create table TEST_FILE_MERGE ( customer_num NUMBER, ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Insert/update loop ORACLE function

I want to find the best solution for an insert/update oracle function. My task is to collect some date from multiple tables (source tables) and bring them to a single table (destination table). Source ...
Luc's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I simplify this MERGE statement w.r.t. WHEN MATCHED conditions?

I'm using SQL Server (SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL) and I have this MERGE statement which uses a rather gnarly WHEN MATCHED condition to only update rows where values are actually different. This is ...
Dai's user avatar
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T-SQL Merge not updating in explicit transaction

We have the following code in a stored procedure which has a merge statement and an update statement to a different table in an explicit transaction. The merge update does not update any data in the ...
cenko2's user avatar
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JOIN/Union Two tables, removing NULL where possible (similar to pandas concatenate)

I am wondering how to perform an operation that I guess is most akin to a concatenate if you're familiar with pandas. Basically, what I want to do seems like a UNION where records are "collapsed" in ...
tapehead's user avatar
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Can I MERGE INTO ... INSERT with a column list in Hive?

Here's a good example of a MERGE statement: MERGE INTO target AS T USING source AS S ON T.ID = S.ID and T.tran_time = S.tran_time WHEN MATCHED UPDATE SET quantity = S.quantity WHEN MATCHED AND S....
PhilHibbs's user avatar
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SQL: Merge rows when value doesnt change in continuous time

I am new to SQL and I need to summarize a table that has this information: Serial Number, StartDate, EndDate, StatusID and TimeInState, what I need is to merge rows that keep the same StatusId during ...
Javier Santiago Cáceres's user avatar
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It's possible to skip duplicate keys (i.e. MERGE) in a BULK INSERT in MySQL?

I have a INSERT...SELECT statement that I want to run several times from TABLE1 to TABLE2 as the data in TABLE1 will change overtime. I don't expect the past data from select to change overtime, the ...
Glasnhost's user avatar
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Using Merge in Oracle to update a table and clear out a field if the record is not in the source table

I need some help converting an MSSQL Merge statement into Oracle MERGE INTO A USING B on a.a_id = b.b_id WHEN MATCHED and isNull(a.a_field, '') <> isNull(b.b_field,'') THEN UPDATE SET a....
Sandy DeLeon's user avatar
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Integrating Flyway and Github [closed]

I was wondering if any of you can share some experience regarding integrating Flyway and Git. We're currently developing a project, each sprint we need to make database changes for new features of ...
browsingThrough91's user avatar
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Merging table records across TabName for each PersonID

Consider the following table, CREATE TABLE temp ( [TabName] VARCHAR(255), [PersonID] VARCHAR(255), [FirstName] VARCHAR(255), [Gender] VARCHAR(255), [BenefitType] VARCHAR(255), ...
TMilliman's user avatar
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Failing MERGE Statement: How to monitor with XEvents and specifically get parameter values for a prepared statement?

My problem I am running SQL Server 2017 and would like to investigate an error with a MERGE statement like the following MERGE INTO table USING (SELECT ? AS Search_Col) AS SRC ON table....
Martin Guth's user avatar
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Will a MERGE between two tables ever be faster than a DROP and SELECT INTO on the second table?

Is there a scenario where it's faster for synchronizing the data from TableA to TableB by using a MERGE query as opposed to dropping TableB and doing a SELECT * INTO TableB FROM TableA?
J.D.'s user avatar
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Concatenate a string value from table A to a text field in table B, in a scalable way

On a daily basis, I am adding values from the following table (table1): Id Name Value 1 'Name 1' 789 2 'Name 2' 789 3 'Name 3' 789 To the text field (Values) in the following ...
Scarabas's user avatar
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how to approach user acceptance testing for merged constituent records in a CRM system?

I've been Googling to read up and understand what UATs are and how to conduct them, but I'm not quite understanding how to apply it in this scenario. My acceptance criteria would be that all ...
SorryEh's user avatar
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Microsoft SQL Server MERGE deadlock issue

I am using Microsoft SQL Server version: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (RTM) - 13.0.1601.5 (X64) Apr 29 2016 23:23:58 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows ...
JangWei's user avatar
4 votes
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Ms sql MERGE INTO locks whole table for updates

I have a table for statistic values, it holds millions of records, which is defined like this: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Statistic] ( [Id] [INT] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL , [EntityId] [INT] NULL , [...
xumix's user avatar
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2 answers

Better ways to update columns of a table than using Merge Statement

I have a table with this structure Table1(Cust_No Varchar2(50), First_Name Varchar2(50), Last_Name Varchar2(50), Error_Code Number(1) , Error_Desc Varchar2(50)) ...
Pantea's user avatar
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SQL Server - MERGE duplicate SOURCE rows validation is only evaluated on UPDATE and DELETE clauses

I want SQL Server to throw an error at me if my SOURCE table contains duplicates as per the ON clause in every case, including INSERT, but it only does for the UPDATE and DELETE cases. Why doesn't it? ...
Elaskanator's user avatar
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SQL Server - Identical query on near identical database takes 20 seconds on sql2012 but does not complete after 50+ hours on sql2014

I have 2 databases that contain nearly identical data. The first has compatibility level 100 and is restored on a sql2012 instance. The second has compatibility level 110 and is restored on a sql2014 ...
Steven Hsu's user avatar
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T-SQL query to merge all rows into one row [duplicate]

I have a T-SQL query, which pulls details from several locations (Something like below): IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#mytable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #mytable; CREATE table #mytable ([Locno] varchar(...
chhibbz's user avatar
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3 votes
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SSIS Merge Join: Delete does not work

I've set up a Data Flow Task to sync a flat file with its destination table using a Merge Join with a Left Outer Join as described here (and elsewhere). Merge Join: Inserting and Updating works fine,...
wp78de's user avatar
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Filtered Merge Statement [duplicate]

This is, probably, a really simple answer, but I am not coming up with it... Any help would be greatly appreciated: I created a web form, to a stored procedure, that submits userID, deptID, and a ...
Wes's user avatar
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LEFT OUTER JOIN fails to find matching row

This one has me about beat. The following is code within a stored procedure that, if run repeatedly, continues to 1) fail to identify a matching row and 2)insert a new identical row. The values and ...
Steve_Malcolm's user avatar