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48 votes

What is mysql_native_password?

For a long time, MySQL has supported different authentication plugins, basically programable pieces of code to demonstrate that a mysql accounts is owned by whoever claims so. The original way to do ...
jynus's user avatar
  • 15k
24 votes

The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

On connection pop up click on options Then make sure the "Trust server certificate" is checked
Ashkan S's user avatar
  • 356
18 votes

Determine whether mixed mode auth is enabled without logging in?

You can check it in the registry: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\ [instancename] \MSSqlServer The current mode is recorded in the LoginMode key. Values (DWORD) can be: 1 = Windows ...
Julien Vavasseur's user avatar
15 votes

Determine whether mixed mode auth is enabled without logging in?

Another approach is to try logging in, using SQL authentication, with an obviously fake account that won't succeed. You can then use notepad to open up the ERRORLOG file in C:\Program Files\Microsoft ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
14 votes

Can I connect to the database as the user "dbo"?

The first part to understand is the difference between a User and a Login in SQL Server. This article provides a brief rundown to understand the difference, but to put it simply, a Login is a server-...
HandyD's user avatar
  • 10.4k
11 votes

How to prevent a login from 'listing' a table or view definition in PostgreSQL?

The documentation to the rescue: UPDATE [...] For schemas, allows access to objects contained in the specified schema (assuming that the objects' own privilege requirements are also met). Essentially ...
András Váczi's user avatar
11 votes

Locked my sa user out

There are two ways to handle this. One option is to login to the windows machine as a local administrator, start SQL Server in single user mode (-m startup switch) and you will now be able to get ...
Tibor Karaszi's user avatar
11 votes

SQL Server with multiple databases (one per client) - what is the best security practice in terms of logins/users/permissions?

Should we create a separate login for each client and have the application connect using separate login credentials? Short answer: Yes. You've segregated each client's data into a separate database, ...
Phill  W.'s user avatar
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10 votes

Mongo authentication user can't drop database

Grant your user the "root" role and you will be able to delete the dbs. You do NOT have to disable authentication to do this, as long as you have an admin account this will work. use admin; ...
Larry Brown's user avatar
9 votes

Using host names in `pg_hba.conf`?

It's not sufficient that resolves to that matches the wildcard. After checking that, Postgres will try to resolve and find that it doesn't ...
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
8 votes

SQL Server SSL Encryption - SelfSign Cert working - why?

Traffic will be encrypted regardless of the client encryption specification when you turn on the Force Encryption option on the server side (SSCM-->SQL Server Network Configuration-->Protocols for ...
Dan Guzman's user avatar
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7 votes

How to get psql to prompt for a password with the superuser postgres?

why when I log as a normal user it asks for a password and doesn't when i log as superuser? it just doesn't seem safe at all. The small but important detail that you're missing is that nobody ...
Phill  W.'s user avatar
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6 votes

Cannot log in using SA with SQL Authentication

Which Authentication Mode? Your server might have been configured to run in Windows Authentication mode only. This can be checked by opening up the Properties of your SQL Server instance in SQL ...
John K. N.'s user avatar
  • 18.3k
6 votes

The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

go advanced "options" and put TrustServerCertificate=True to Additional Connection Parameters
eMKei's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes

SQL Server 2012 Can't log in with machine account

This problem should be handled differently depending on the server setup. SQL and IIS server are on the same machine. a. change the Application Pool Identity to Network Service b. add NT AUTHORITY\...
maxisam's user avatar
  • 151
5 votes

Postgresql cannot peer authenticate using usermap (provided user name (^dbuser^) and authenticated user name (^sysuser^) do not match)

In the end I had to comment the line: local all all peer Or to put it below the following line: local mail all ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
5 votes

For how long postgres will keep alive connection after changing credentials?

A PostgreSQL instance will keep a client connection up and running until the connection either reaches a specified client timeout or the client (application) closes the connection. A change of ...
John K. N.'s user avatar
  • 18.3k
5 votes

SQL Server with multiple databases (one per client) - what is the best security practice in terms of logins/users/permissions?

One option that I don't think was mentioned is contained users (contained authentication, partially contained databases, whatever you want to call it). You don't have a login. You either have a SQL ...
Tibor Karaszi's user avatar
4 votes

Error: Cannot Generate SSPI context

I experienced this issue and it has been resolved by removing the SPN entry in the attributes of the computer account in AD for the server Find the machine account in AD Users and Computers(Advanced ...
Bill Appleton's user avatar
4 votes

Oracle DB Security Issue: Anyone can login using SQL*PLUS, with any username, and any wrong passphrase

The OSDBA group (typically, dba) You must create this group the first time you install Oracle Database software on the system. This group identifies operating system user accounts that have database ...
atokpas's user avatar
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4 votes

SQL Server 2008 Authentication mode changed on its own

The chances that the Authentication Mode changed on it's own is pretty near zero. More likely, it got changed by accident. This is a change that requires a restart of the SQL Server service in order ...
AMtwo's user avatar
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4 votes

MongoDB Cluster - Can't access member of shard with credentials

When you are using mongoS authentication is done against config servers admin database. When you connect directly to replica set, you are authenticating against replica set's admin database, where you ...
JJussi's user avatar
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4 votes

Windows authentification to SQL Server authentification

You cannot change a Windows login to a SQL login. The documentation states: SQL Server authentication logins are type sysname and must conform to the rules for Identifiers and cannot contain a '\'...
Dan Guzman's user avatar
  • 28.5k
4 votes

When setting up security for linked servers, what does the Impersonate checkbox do?

Impersonate Pass the username and password from the local login to the linked server. For SQL Server Authentication, a login with the exact same name and password must exist on the remote server. For ...
sepupic's user avatar
  • 11.2k
4 votes

Authentication type differences in SQL Server

instance means this is a sql login, while windows means this is Windows login, and none means it does not need authentication (such as database role). BTW, the two columns are in sys....
jyao's user avatar
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4 votes

Can `listen_addresses` system configuration setting in Postgres stop pre-authentication exploits?

listen_addresses filters connections before postgres sees them ➥ Does this mean listen_addresses theoretically stops pre-authentication exploits? Yes. If PostgreSQL's postmaster isn't listening on ...
Craig Ringer's user avatar
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4 votes

How to Disable Windows Authentication in SQL Server

To stop Windows users from logging in, don't create logins for them in SQL Server. By default, just because someone has a Windows login doesn't mean they have permissions in SQL Server. You have to ...
Brent Ozar's user avatar
  • 43.2k
4 votes

can't update user password on Mongodb 4.0.5 (Use of SCRAM-SHA-256 requires undigested passwords)

Basically, I made it with db.updateUser. On the doc, it says the following: passwordDigestor : string Optional. Indicates whether the server or the client digests the password. ...
ivanleoncz's user avatar
4 votes

Postgresql - roles without linux accounts?

You need to update your pg_hba.conf to allow for a non-peer authentication method. It’s perfectly normal to create roles which don’t have OS accounts.
Colin 't Hart's user avatar

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