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2 votes

Why execution plan could be skipped from XE session?

It looks like you are using a ring buffer and "Watch Live Data". Sometimes, plans can be larger than 4MB (the default setting for XE), and they can be dropped from the result set. You should ...
andy.plsql's user avatar
2 votes

Sql Server Extened Events lock_acquired and lock_released - The meaning of resource_0, resource_1 and resource_2

It means different things for different types of locks. In your case the resource_0 matches the associated_object_id To parse other types of resources I usually use these posts: Decoding Key and Page ...
Zikato's user avatar
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3 votes

Why can I not capture dynamic SQL called with EXEC using the sqlserver.sql_batch_completed Extended Event?

You're probably doing something wrong (like executing in a different database than you're filtering on). But to answer the question: A batch is a set (one or more) of commands that a client sends to ...
Zikato's user avatar
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