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7 votes

STATISTICS IO for parallel index scan

If you add a TABLOCK or READUNCOMMITTED hint to the table, you will get an allocation-ordered scan, which will report the same number of logical reads as the number of pages in the table. With an ...
Paul White's user avatar
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7 votes

Number of full table scans

Well, that table will give you the answer you are looking for. Just join onto sys.indexes to determine the type of index. Tables are either Heaps or Clustered indexes, so a scan on that index type ...
Jonathan Fite's user avatar
4 votes

Delete cascade produce scan intead of index seek

You may want to look in the table sys.foreign_keys for the foreign key joining the tables, and see if the index has the value is_not_trusted = 1. This query, originally from, will show ...
Laughing Vergil's user avatar
4 votes

How does a column-oriented DBMS filter on multiple columns?

There are a few factors which reduce the horror of a full scan of the shop column. The values of each column can be stored in the same order: the first value of timestamp corresponds to the first ...
Michael Green's user avatar
3 votes

PostgreSQL select from table (without ORDER BY) comes out in different order every time

Why it does it is probably due to synchronize_seqscans. Now go have fun shooting yourself in the feet with even more vigor.
jjanes's user avatar
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3 votes

How does a column-oriented DBMS filter on multiple columns?

Columns-organized storage engines are vastly different in implementation, so a general answer to your question is hardly possible. At a very basic level though a DBMS with a modestly advanced query ...
mustaccio's user avatar
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2 votes

Vulnerability in Server from SQL Server 2008 R2

The web components are/were used for the cube browser in SSMS (That changed in SQL Server 2012 IIRC), so you could probably remove it if you are not using that functionality and only browse the cubes ...
Tom V's user avatar
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2 votes

Why Are Table Scans Bad?

Table scans are not evil per se, it depends on what the query is supposed to do. If a large portion of the table is either returned to the application or used in some aggregate (like sum), it is ...
Lennart - Slava Ukraini's user avatar
1 vote

When is a regular index scan faster than a bitmap index + heap scan in Postgres?

The advantage for a bitmap scan is: every heap page is only fetched once, while an index scan may need to read a heap page multiple times If effective_cache_size is large compared to the number of ...
jjanes's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I bulk export data from an RDBMS without killing performance?

The comments above indicate that several of those who read your question are skeptical that a single query could cause such a problem on a healthy database server, even if the query has a large result ...
Bill Karwin's user avatar
1 vote

PostgreSQL select from table (without ORDER BY) comes out in different order every time

No, the answer is a definite NO. There is only one way to ensure consistent and repeated order. Using ORDER BY.
ypercubeᵀᴹ's user avatar
1 vote

How to connect to Oracle RAC from HOST

If you have a DNS then the idea is to configure three IP address in round robin system on the DNS server. If Oracle client wants to connect by using the scan DNS name he will get a list of the three ...
miracle173's user avatar
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1 vote

How to connect to Oracle RAC from HOST

IMHO you will need DNS. Oracle client first performs DNS lookup for SCAN address. It will get all 3 IPs in random order. It will pick 1st one. (PS: since some version Oracle client does not use OS ...
ibre5041's user avatar
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1 vote

How does MySQL skip ranges (nodes) in a loose index scan?

I think the Optimizer works something like this: It can find the first row: MIN(name) WHERE foo=123 It can find the last row: MAX(name) WHERE foo=123 Those are done via a drill-down in the BTree, ...
Rick James's user avatar
  • 79.4k
1 vote

MSSQL Join between big and empty tables

I was finally able to replicate your issue due to you noting that LEFT JOIN Table_C c ON c.Id_B = b.Id AND c.Id_B IS NOT NULL improved the query. DDL & DML CREATE TABLE Table_A (id int not ...
Randi Vertongen's user avatar
1 vote

Very high (99%) insertion cost in estimated execution plan

The high relative cost for the insert is a result of the cost-based model used by the optimizer. In particular, it looks like SQL Server assigns a much higher I/O cost to inserts into a temp table ...
Josh Darnell's user avatar
  • 29.8k

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