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39 votes

Export Postgres table as json

If you're using psql then there is no reason to use \COPY at all. \t \a \o file.json SELECT row_to_json(r) FROM my_table AS r; This is the same method we use to get png/jpgs/tifs out of the database ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.7k
29 votes

Export Postgres table as json

Please find below the only answer that outputs actually valid JSON (i.e. array of objects). \t \a \o data.json select json_agg(t) FROM (SELECT * from table) t; (source)
Gunar Gessner's user avatar
21 votes

mysqldump vs mysqlpump

I have also been looking into the differences between these two utilities, and in addition to what is mentioned in @Neil's answer, it seems that mysqlpump also has fewer options than mysqldump, such ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
10 votes

Using Postgres COPY TO for data export without overwriting file

You could use the meta command \copy in psql (which encapsulates SQL COPY) on the command line, send it to stdout and and redirect output to be appended to a file - with >> instead of >: ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
9 votes

What is the best way to export/extract varbinary images in a SQL Server database to flat file via t sql, anything better than sp_OA methods?

If you really must do it from T-SQL, and your SQL Server instance version is 2012 or more recent, You could use a FileTable. It relies on the FileStream feature, so you'll have to enable this first. ...
Eric Prévost's user avatar
8 votes

In SQL Server, how do I save the results of a query to a txt file?

Options: Use sqlcmd at the command line to execute your SQL statement; the results will arrive as text and can be trivially saved. See
Anti-weakpasswords's user avatar
7 votes

Export Postgres data without superuser privileges

COPY ... TO <file> creates the output file on the server, which, in addition to requiring elevated privileges, in many cases is not useful since not everyone has access to the server file system....
mustaccio's user avatar
  • 26.9k
6 votes

mysqldump vs mysqlpump

Here is the summary of what I understood between both the backup tools. The definition for mysqldump given in manual page The mysqldump client utility performs logical backups, producing a set of ...
aakash muthuramalingam's user avatar
6 votes

Postgres 9.6 export the database structure as pdf

You need a Entity Relation Diagram (ERD) generator. The most popular and advanced one that I know of that is FOSS is SchemaCrawler. It does everything you want anyway. Though the diagrams are ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.7k
6 votes

Very large SQL Server 2016 result sets (over 75 GB) to a CSV file?

I, too, used to have problems exporting large result sets (7 - 8 GB) to delimited files. Neither SQLCMD nor BCP nor SSIS could handle dynamic result sets, dynamic text-qualification, adding a column ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
6 votes

SQL Server: SSMS "Save Results As" creates CSV that Excel mangles

First, make sure you've got the query options set up the way you want. Go to the Query menu, and choose Query Options: The first of the two highlighted options tells SSMS to include the column ...
RDFozz's user avatar
  • 11.7k
5 votes

Oracle SQL Developer: Set the <null> value when exporting to CSV

Just set the below in your session, as you would do in SQL*Plus: set null "null" Note: this will not affect how NULLs are displayed in the data grid (you can set that from the menu: Tools - ...
Balazs Papp's user avatar
  • 41.1k
5 votes

How can I transfer the entire content of several tables to another database, not in the same network?

There's a command line utility packaged with SQL Server called BCP. It will do what you need. It supports several file formats. The one you want is "native". This is a proprietary binary ...
Michael Green's user avatar
4 votes

Export image file from bytea column

It's a horrible idea to store jpegs in the database. That said, if you want to get it out of the database, you can use psql. This gets it out as hex. psql -t -A -o "/tmp/imagetest.jpg" -c \ "...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.7k
4 votes

How to export database structure from Firebird?

There are several ways to do this: A metadata-only backup using gbak: gbak -backup -meta_data employee employee.meta.fbk And then restore that backup. A metadata-only restore using gbak: gbak -...
Mark Rotteveel's user avatar
4 votes

What is the 131072 in the call to lo_open()

This variable is called the "mode parameter" and it's the int representation of INV_READ (x'20000') -- lo_open(lobjId oid, mode integer) returns integer -- The mode parameter to lo_open uses two ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.7k
4 votes

How to back up an entire database to text files

The following is not a good backup solution. Unless you’re quitting your job and feel like pranking your boss on the way out the door, you shouldn’t use it. But I learned a few things and had fun ...
4 votes

How to export base and discover its structure

You can generate an SQL file (of metadata) with built-in commandline tools (available on all database installations). Just log in to the database server, create a full=y, content=metadata_only export:...
Balazs Papp's user avatar
  • 41.1k
3 votes

mysqldump vs mysqlpump

As of today, mysqlpump utility is deprecated. mysqlpump is deprecated as of MySQL 8.0.34; expect it to be removed in a future version of MySQL. You can use such MySQL programs as mysqldump and MySQL ...
Y. E.'s user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Fastest Way to Move Data from Current Database for Multiple Tables to New Database?

You say that you're worried that your proposed solution won't work because it won't run in parallel. You already have a PowerShell cmdlet which deletes from all 160 tables, right? Deleting rows can ...
Joe Obbish's user avatar
  • 32.6k
3 votes

Encountering "Snapshot too old" error during execution of expdp command

The cause of the ORA-01555 error is undo_retention parameter has the lower value as compared to the time taken to complete the export with the parameter consistent=y(which is deprecated in 11g and ...
atokpas's user avatar
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3 votes

Very large SQL Server 2016 result sets (over 75 GB) to a CSV file?

PowerShell may work well for you. Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SQLServer -Database $DBName -Query $ExportSQL | Export-CSV -Path $ExportFile -NoTypeInformation Invoke-Sqlcmd is included in the ...
Chrissy LeMaire's user avatar
3 votes

SQL Server: SSMS "Save Results As" creates CSV that Excel mangles

I was having same trouble with field and limiting the length of the output didn't help at all because it has to do with the carriage returns. Before you run the data you want output to Excel, change ...
Briana Finney's user avatar
3 votes

exporting a sql view to a csv file

bcp is a command-line command utility - you can't call it as a T-SQL command. However, if you enable xp_cmdshell, you can run it via the command-line using this code inside a SQL Server Agent Job (or ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
  • 70.5k
3 votes

Postgresql, export to json

Is possible export to json file? Something like csv export. Yes. Try this: select row_to_json(tablename.*,true) from tablename; or copy (select row_to_json(tablename.*,true) from tablename) to ...
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
3 votes

Using pg_dump on a view always produces an empty file

Is there any way of using pg_dump against a view. The postgres documentation suggests it should be possible This is not an answer to your question per-se, but the PostgreSQL documentation is ...
Ian Barwick's user avatar
3 votes

Export and import a table without a specific column

Another solution is to use LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INFILE, but override the columns list so the auto-increment value is inserted into a dummy variable: Here's a demo: I have a text file I call c.csv: 1 ...
Bill Karwin's user avatar
3 votes

Export Postgres sequences only

I'm not sure what you mean by "export sequences". I suppose that you mean to extract all statements as: CREATE SEQUENCE [sequence name] ....; ALTER SEQENCE [sequence name] OWNED BY [table ...
Alex Yu's user avatar
  • 213
3 votes

Export Postgres sequences only

pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -d namedb -U postgres -t '*_id_seq' > dump-seq.sql
Jhonny Ramirez Zeballos's user avatar
3 votes

MySQL Dump only views, triggers, events and procedures

Include this: --no-create-info It means: "Do not write CREATE TABLE statements that create each dumped table." --
Rick James's user avatar
  • 79.4k

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