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58 votes

How do you create a view with SNAPSHOT_MATERIALIZATION in SQL Server 2017?

You can't. The feature is disabled in 2017 RTM. That said, you can... Using AdventureWorks: CREATE VIEW dbo.TH WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT P.ProductID, COUNT_BIG(*) AS cbs FROM Production.Product ...
Paul White's user avatar
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44 votes

Query the definition of a materialized view in Postgres

Looks like 9.3 and up you can do: select * from pg_matviews; select * from pg_matviews where matviewname = 'view_name'; More info found here:
Dustin's user avatar
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27 votes

PostgreSQL 9.3.13, How do I refresh Materialised Views with different users?

You can do this with a function that runs in the security context of its owner. Function that refreshes the view (create it with the user that owns the MV/table): CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ...
Philᵀᴹ's user avatar
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27 votes

Why is casting a DATE field to VARCHAR datatype non-deterministic and is there a way to make it deterministic?

CAST is not deterministic because date format may change based on the server settings (i.e. under compatibility before 110 default date format is 0 => "Dec 12 2019 2:11PM" and output dependeds on ...
Piotr Palka's user avatar
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21 votes

ALTER VIEW drops Index from View

There is no setting to change this behavior nor has it changed in newer SQL Server versions. An excerpt from the current documentation remarks section for SQL Server 2019 and Azure SQL Database: ...
Dan Guzman's user avatar
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18 votes

What happens if two process try to REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY at the same time?

As mentioned in this answer, "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY takes an EXCLUSIVE lock" on the table. Following the crumb trail to documentation we can read that an EXCLUSIVE lock on a table "...
mustaccio's user avatar
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16 votes

How to do an incremental refresh of a PostgreSQL Materialized View?

There is no INCREMENTAL, it's very simple.. From the docs REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW [ CONCURRENTLY ] name [ WITH [ NO ] DATA ] Perhaps you're confusing it with CONCURRENTLY which is about ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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15 votes

Replace a materialized view in Postgres

For my situation, I prefer to limit the drops by using a view layer: Create a copy of the materialized view suffixed with "_new" and also use "WITH NO DATA" for performance, make sure any indexes are ...
RuiDC's user avatar
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14 votes

Refresh a PostgreSQL materialized view automatically without using triggers

As a_horse_with_no_name said in a comment: No, that's not possible. You need some kind of scheduler that runs refresh materialized view e.g. pg_cron or something on the operating system level – ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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14 votes

Why SQL does not use the indexed view?

Unless a NOEXPAND hint is used, SQL Server always expands the view reference to the underlying stored query before optimization begins. It may later chose to match part(s) of, or the whole plan, back ...
Paul White's user avatar
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14 votes

Inability to query underlying table of a schema-bound view

From the documentation: A query does not have to explicitly reference an indexed view in the FROM clause for the Query Optimizer to use the indexed view. If the query contains references to columns ...
Paul White's user avatar
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14 votes

Indexed view not used in actual execution plan?

You need to use the NOEXPAND query hint (I'm assuming you're on Standard Edition of SQL Server) in order for your query to use the indexed view (instead of expanding it to the underlying table). This ...
J.D.'s user avatar
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12 votes

Trigger to update a materialized view once after relevant transaction?

An OK solution using triggers This is what I'm doing now. It's not exactly what I wanted because the trigger fires once per statement instead of once per transaction. But it works for now. (In the ...
Nathan Long's user avatar
12 votes

Analyze needed after a refresh materialized view?

Table statistics are not updated automatically. They remain unchanged if refreshed with the CONCURRENTLY option. Without CONCURRENTLY, a new file is written for the table, and the basic counts ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
12 votes

Materialized views Performance

The data of a MV is stored in a regular table, there is no magic to that. But access is typically (much) faster for multiple possible reasons: multiple tables joined already smaller row size with ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
11 votes

Create Nested XML in a Sql Server Indexed (Materialized) View

Short answer: You can't. Long answer: There's a few things going on here. First, you might be underestimating the power of XML AUTO. It will provide a certain amount of nesting "automatically". ...
Riley Major's user avatar
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11 votes

Postgres Materialized View Dramatically Increasing In Size

My issue was running a "refresh materialized view concurrently" before the autovacuum had finished running, leading to table bloat. Now I manually vacuum analyze after every refresh.
FluxDipole's user avatar
11 votes

SQL Server - Is there a way to prevent shared range locks to 'infinity' when using an indexed view?

There's nothing you can do about this. SQL Server automatically takes steps to ensure the indexed view always stays synchronized with the base tables. When reading the indexed view to see if the data ...
Paul White's user avatar
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11 votes

ALTER VIEW drops Index from View

You can prevent altering an indexed view with a DDL trigger. But the implementation is a bit complex, because the DDL trigger runs after the view has been altered and the index dropped, but before ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
10 votes

How does SQL Server update indexed views?

SQL Server does not completely rebuild the view after every change. That would be grossly inefficient. Instead, indexed views are maintained incrementally using delta algebra. The query processor ...
Paul White's user avatar
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9 votes

PostgreSQL 9.3.13, How do I refresh Materialised Views with different users?

@Philᵀᴹ's second function attempt is vulnerable to SQL injection by using: SELECT refresh_mv_xxx('example_mview_name with data; TRUNCATE TABLE example_table_name CASCADE; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW ...
ndrwnaguib's user avatar
8 votes

Export Materialized View from postgresql as a table?

I don't think there is a single-step way to do this. Are you trying to do this with one MV, or with a whole database full of them? To get the proper CREATE TABLE statement with all the column types, ...
jjanes's user avatar
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8 votes

Indexed view - Cannot create index because "select list of the view contains an expression on result of aggregate function or grouping column."

Well, the error message is technically correct: because the select list of the view contains an expression on [...] grouping column The expression is your function, which takes Address as a ...
Paul White's user avatar
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7 votes

Why does the READPAST hint cause indexed views to be ignored?

Reusing the example table and indexed view from my article Another Reason to Use NOEXPAND hints in Enterprise Edition: CREATE TABLE dbo.T ( col1 integer NOT NULL ); GO INSERT dbo.T WITH (TABLOCKX)...
Paul White's user avatar
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7 votes

Updating an indexed view with NOEXPAND

This works as you want on Enterprise/Developer Edition: use tempdb go CREATE TABLE dbo.T (id int PRIMARY KEY, b bit NOT NULL, txt varchar(20)); GO CREATE OR ALTER VIEW dbo.V WITH SCHEMABINDING AS ...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
7 votes

Naming conventions for views and materialized views: "*_v", "v_*", "*_mv", "mv_*" or none?

Naming conventions are largely a question of taste and style. The one important thing is to stay consistent. An inconsistent naming convention is often worse than none at all. To give my opinion: don'...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
7 votes

Is there a way to disable logging / backups for view indexes?

nope There has been a long-standing request for SQL Server to support unlogged objects. It is available in varying forms in other database systems, both for tables and for materialized views. However, ...
Erik Reasonable Rates Darling's user avatar
6 votes

Why would Indexed View perform much worse than equivalent table?

Indexed views often can't be used as drop-in replacements for tables. The reason is that the WITH (NOEXPAND) hint is often needed. Often, the view is expanded (despite the index) and the underlying ...
Steven Hibble's user avatar
6 votes

Trigger to update a materialized view once after relevant transaction?

Well, likely you're doing it wrong. While the verb REFRESH may connote otherwise, you're actually rewriting the table when you run it. That kind of workload is heavy to run in a trigger (though you ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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6 votes

Can't create indexed view against table with masked columns

As far as I know, this is not supported, and you can only use tables in this case. As found in following article which is using Row level security which is not the same as Dynamic Data masking, but ...
Stijn Wynants's user avatar

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