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26 votes

SQL server changes XML structure when inserted

You can use xml:space = "preserve" on the nodes where you want to keep the space. Using xml:space is "only a signal of intent" but SQL server is kind to us here. For one node declare @X xml = '<...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
19 votes

See if XML element exists at any level in document with a specific value

For this you want to use the .exist() XML function as it will return a BIT (i.e. boolean) value indicating whether or not the XQuery find anything. To handle the non-static location of an element, ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
14 votes

When converting dynamic SQL (pivot query) to xml output, why is the first digit of the date converted to unicode?

Attribute names in XML are not allowed to start with a number, see NameStartChar. You have to come up with alternative names for your attributes and encode that in a separate @cols variable ...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
14 votes

How To Read HTML code as XML and get the output like the sample in sql?

I am trying to establish communication between nodesh4 and ul. You can use the << and >> operator to check if a node is before or after another node in document order. Combine that with a ...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
14 votes

How to return a null from an empty XML tag in SQL server using Xpath only?

Specify the text() node within the Value element. That node is missing when you have an empty tag. Try this: declare @X xml; set @X = '<Value/>'; select @X.value('(Value/text())[1]', '...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
14 votes

SQL Server / XML.query() causes massive memory grant

With a quick look at your xpath expression //wobble[1] and the test data you have you are looking for the first wobble you can find. One could even think that your expression is equal to this (//...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
12 votes

Is "ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY xml.node)" well defined?

No, it's not documented and therefore not guaranteed. In practice, it probably is guaranteed as I described in a Stack Overflow answer (reproduced below) but that doesn't meet your stated desire for ...
Paul White's user avatar
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11 votes

Create Nested XML in a Sql Server Indexed (Materialized) View

Short answer: You can't. Long answer: There's a few things going on here. First, you might be underestimating the power of XML AUTO. It will provide a certain amount of nesting "automatically". ...
Riley Major's user avatar
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11 votes

Return xml sequences where an attribute doesn't contain a specific character

An easy way to do this is to use the nodes method to get right to the address attribute and check for your @ sign. The problem with the way you're looking now is that it's only checking that any ...
Erik Reasonable Rates Darling's user avatar
11 votes

Concatenate all values of the same XML element using XPath/XQuery

This might work for you: select @MyXml.value('/R[1]', 'varchar(50)') It picks up all text() elements from the first R and below. If you just want all text() you can do select @MyXml.value('.', '...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
11 votes

XQuery doesn't update XML data

You'll need to declare the namespaces in the modify function. Something like this: DECLARE @xml xml = N'<SMObjInfo xmlns="DataService/" xmlns:i=""&...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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11 votes

XML Query keeps converting < to &lt; and > to &gt;

You are doing one level of select too many in the problematic part of your code. Your version simplified select ( select '<>' as [processing-instruction(query_plan)] ) for xml path(...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
10 votes

How to write this SQL query for a XML type?

What you want here is not entirely clear from your question. My guess is that you want the value from the <Value> node where the <Name> node is Tid. Shred the XML using the nodes() ...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
10 votes

XQuery doesn't update XML data

If you have the XML in table you should use UPDATE instead of SET and there you can put the namespace declaration outside the XML_DML expression using WITH XMLNAMESPACES. with xmlnamespaces(default '...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
10 votes

Msg 6355 "Conversion of one or more characters from XML to target collation impossible" when querying sys.dm_exec_query_plan

The problem is that you are converting XML data, which is stored as Unicode (UTF-16 specifically), into 8-bit data. 8-bit data requires a code page to know which set of up to 256 characters to use (or ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
9 votes

How to parse query plans to get a count of nested loop operators with unordered prefetch?

This will Work Perfectly® WITH XMLNAMESPACES ( '' AS p ) SELECT qp.plan_name, qp.query_xml.value('count(//p:RelOp/p:NestedLoops/@...
Erik Reasonable Rates Darling's user avatar
9 votes

How to query against exact values in XML column set

Specifying the text() node before the predicate will be more efficient than having text() in the predicate. select * from #ColumnSet as C where AllValues.exist('*/text()[. = "POSITIVE"]') = 1 Query ...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
9 votes

SQL server changes XML structure when inserted

This page of the SQL Server documentation says The data is stored in an internal representation that ... may not be an identical copy of the text XML, because the following information is not ...
Michael Green's user avatar
9 votes

T-SQL LIKE Predicate failed to match with whitespace in XML converted varchar

This is by design. When you store a document using the XML data type it is compressed and organised into a structure that Sql Server can perform operations on efficiently. One of the steps that it ...
Mr.Brownstone's user avatar
9 votes

Why is SQL doing an index scan and seek with the same XML query structure?

XML index in SQL Server is implemented as an internal table that is a persisted version of the node table that is much the same as the XML shredding functions produce. One of the columns in the ...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
8 votes

Read system_health event_file instead of ring_buffer for deadlocks extended events

This seems to work: with XmlDeadlockReports as ( select convert(xml, event_data) as EventData from sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file(N'system_health*.xel', NULL, NULL, NULL) where object_name = '...
crokusek's user avatar
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8 votes

Querying XML nested nodes

You can add an additional CROSS APPLY to break out the rows in the way you require: SELECT T2.lin.value('(./dLin/@Id)[1]', 'int') Id, T2.lin.value('(./dLin/@CoArt)[1]', 'varchar(20)') CoArt, ...
Mayberg's user avatar
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8 votes

What is the most effective SELECTIVE XML index?

How else can I determine the performance increase of my selective index besides reviewing query execution times? You could also look at IO utilization and CPU. Perhaps most interesting when dealing ...
Mikael Eriksson's user avatar
8 votes

How to write this SQL query for a XML type?

If you only need <Name>Tid</Name>, your query would look something like this: DECLARE @x XML = N' <Information> <Groups> <Group Name="Monitor"> <Items> ...
Erik Reasonable Rates Darling's user avatar
8 votes

How to split XML array into separate rows (while upholding consistency)

Does something like this satisfy the resultset? Table & Data CREATE TABLE #TestingIdea ( Id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY (1,1), PostId int NULL, Tag nvarchar (MAX) NULL ) INSERT INTO #TestingIdea(...
Randi Vertongen's user avatar
8 votes

XML Query Question

Does this get you what you want? DECLARE @x XML = ' <SearchJobConfig> <QueryID>1072</QueryID> <QueryString> <SearchCriteria name="Search query" > <...
Erik Reasonable Rates Darling's user avatar
8 votes

OPENXML to get content by using element and attribute name

You need to use a different XPath expression to match the attribute values, eg var[@dimension="task"]/string. Like this: declare @xmldata xml set @xmldata = '<?xml version="1.0&...
David Browne - Microsoft's user avatar
7 votes

Why store XML Schema in SQL Server 2012 database?

XML Schemas aren't stored in SQL Server so that an application can access them. The reasons for storing XML Schema Collections are found in how they improve working with the XML data. According to ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
7 votes

How To Read HTML code as XML and get the output like the sample in sql?

This is not exactly elegant but seems to do the job. DECLARE @X XML = REPLACE(REPLACE(@S, '<h4>', '<foo><h4>'), '</ul>', '</ul></foo>') SELECT Category = x.value('...
Martin Smith's user avatar
  • 86.5k

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