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22 votes

Quick nearest neighbor search in the 150-dimensional space

PostgreSQL 9.6 using cube First install the cube extension CREATE EXTENSION cube; Now we will create some n-dimensional space with 100,000 points in 50 dimensions. In addition we'll add a GIST ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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5 votes

How to setup solution for multi-dimensional distance search with SQL Server spatial data types

There might be some spatial methods that are useful to some degree, but your biggest problem is going to be the Z value: Z-coordinates are not used in any calculations made by the library and are ...
BradC's user avatar
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2 votes

Quick nearest neighbor search in the 150-dimensional space

Consider performing dimension reduction first (eg. Principle Component Analysis). Then your are doing NN in small number of dimensions with higher performance. You can use Pl/R to perform PCA inside ...
Robin Chauhan's user avatar
2 votes

Return values at more/less specific time points

I suggest a LATERAL subquery, best with a LEFT [OUTER] JOIN to preserve all input rows (displaying a NULL value in case there should be no match at all): SELECT v.reference_ts, t.most_recent_x FROM (...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
2 votes

Add row from table B based on minimum distance between table A and B

That's a nearest-neighbor classic. The basic solution: SELECT * FROM tableA a CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT, b.geom <-> a.geom AS dist FROM tableB b ORDER BY dist LIMIT 1 ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
2 votes

Improve performance of this query finding nearby locations

Many parentheses are just distracting noise. Several casts seem unnecessary. Most importantly, the CTE seems to do nothing useful, remove it and just keep the WHERE condition: SELECT p.sid, -- ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
2 votes

Optimize a trigram search with custom sort order

Trigram similarity and distance operators put more weight on leading matches (prefix) automatically and to a lesser extent on trailing matches (suffix), due to the way trigrams are extracted from ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
1 vote

Nearest neighbours (KNN) from a selected point

With a SELF JOIN, in the form of an inner join if you know the distance. Or a cross if you don't. SELECT spatial_id, geom FROM rhp_tvp.spatial AS rt1 JOIN rhp_tvp.spatial AS rt2 USING ST_DWithin( ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.7k
1 vote

Searching for a close numeric match on spatial coordinates

The smart and fast solution for this class of problems is an index-backed "nearest neighbor" search. For the record: if you want precise results with spatial data use PostGis and operate ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
1 vote

How to SELECT "closest" rows from another table?

This would achieve it: SELECT m1.id1, m2.* FROM map1 m1 CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT ST_HausdorffDistance(m1.g1, m2.g2) AS h_dist, m2.id2, m2.g2 FROM map2 m2 WHERE ST_HausdorffDistance(...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
1 vote

ORA-13249: SDO_NN cannot be evaluated without using index

Got same error message, but without DB-Link. helped (replace c and s with your table aliases and spatial_index with your spatial index name): /*+ LEADING(c) ...
Gerrit Griebel's user avatar
1 vote

Quick nearest neighbor search in the 150-dimensional space

Take a look at it is a vector database to store Feature Vectors along with JSON Metadata. Keep it along with your RDBMS and do use metadata to maintain cross ...
a_മ്മ's user avatar
1 vote

Quick nearest neighbor search in the 150-dimensional space

Have a look at FLANN and OpenCV. Unfortunately I am not aware of an integration of that into a RDBMS system. But there is for example integration of chemical structure information with Posgres. So ...
Grimaldi's user avatar
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