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18 votes

Mysql 8 ST_GeomFromText giving error Latitude out of range in function st_geomfromtext. It must be within [-90.000000, 90.000000]

That's because on MySQL 8, they did the unthinkable and implemented the stupid method of doing geography coordinates (like MySQL). This broke backwards compatability. When you use Geometry on MySQL (...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.1k
17 votes

Does MySQL store point datatypes as LAT LNG or LNG LAT?

Constructor Syntax Looking up the spatial function reference, you'll see Point(x, y) Constructs a Point using its coordinates This isn't entirely correct. All GIS implementations must do (x,y) for ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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13 votes

Alternative to MakeValid() for spatial data in SQL Server 2016

Let me caveat that I am playing with spatial data in SQL server for the first time (so you probably already know this first part), but it took me a while to figure out that SQL Server isn't treating (...
BradC's user avatar
  • 10k
13 votes

How do I create a point with an SRID in MySQL?

MySQL 8.0+ MySQL supports Point(x,y) which is a GIS function that constructs a point. With MySQL 8.0 and newer, you can further assign an SRID to that point with ST_SRID(srid) SELECT ST_SRID( Point(...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.1k
11 votes

How can I speed-up my query on geo-location processes

You may consider using a GIST index based on using the function ll_to_earth. This index will allow for fast "nearby" searches. CREATE INDEX ON locs USING gist (ll_to_earth(lat, lng)); Once you ...
joanolo's user avatar
  • 13.5k
11 votes

Can PostGIS use spatial indexes on foreign tables?

Assuming at least Postgres 9.6 for local and remote server, and the same version of PostGIS installed, running this on the local server should do the trick: ALTER SERVER your_foreign_server_name ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
11 votes

&& vs ST_Intersects performance

Background, functionality and performance && operator && is bounding-box overlaps. All operators call functions in PostgreSQL: you can see this \doS+ && in this case && ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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9 votes

Large (>22 trillion items) geospatial dataset with rapid (<1s) read query performance

How up-do-date do your read queries need to be? You could partition the database by time if the map just needs to show the most recent measurement. This would reduce your query load for the map. ...
ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells's user avatar
9 votes

MSSQL Geography STIntersects returns 1 when 0 is expected

The reason you are having a problem is that the polygon is wound the wrong way which results in a polygon that covers the entire world except for your area of interest. Try DECLARE @t_point ...
MickyT's user avatar
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8 votes

PostgreSQL vs. MySQL: spatial feature comparison

Speaking of some very major things. Here is a list of things PostGIS supports that are totally absent in MySQL and MariaDB. SRID in calculations, give your points a different SRID and you'll get ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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8 votes

SQL Server Line Constructor or version of ST_MakeLine(pt1,pt2)?

Try ShortestLineTo(): SELECT pt1.ToString(), pt2.ToString(), pt1.ShortestLineTo(pt2).ToString() AS line -- what goes here FROM #tmp; Returns POINT (1 1) POINT (2 2) LINESTRING (1 1, 2 2) ...
BradC's user avatar
  • 10k
8 votes

What's stored in spatial_ref_sys?

No, it comes with PostGIS as a standardized catalog of the spatial reference systems your database can work with. It will be recreated when you CREATE EXTENSION postgis;. In fact, copying the table ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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7 votes

What's the difference between POINT(X,Y) and GeomFromText("POINT(X Y)")?

MySQL 8+ For posterity the only thing that matters is that Point(X,Y) is a constructor for numbers with precision and does not require converting first to text making it faster. It's also guaranteed ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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7 votes

PostGIS vs. SQL Server for GIS data

Having worked with the GIS capabilities of both systems, I'd suggest the following: If you are primarily looking to store and query geometries, their capabilities are pretty comparable. If you want ...
N8allan's user avatar
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7 votes

How to optimize STDistance execution?

Regardless of any other improvements you make, be sure to test the impact on spatial execution times of enabling trace flags 6532, 6533, and 6534 (start-up only). These turn on native code spatial ...
Paul White's user avatar
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7 votes

Cross join on a numbers table to get line vertices, is there a better way?

I know a bit about Oracle performance and pretty much nothing about custom data types, but I'll try to give you a plan to improve performance. 1) Verify that you cannot get an explain plan. It's ...
Joe Obbish's user avatar
  • 32.6k
7 votes

Problem getting zips in radius via MySQL

From Indexing and Querying Spatial Data in Oracle in the Oracle® Spatial Developer's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2): Querying Spatial Data Spatial uses a two-tier query model with primary and ...
l.lijith's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it possible to have a loop in SQL without creating a stored procedure?

You can put a pl/sql in an anonymous block. Something like this might help: declare v_vertices your_user_defined_data_type; cursor your_cursor_c is select vertices from your_table ...
Nick S's user avatar
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6 votes

Large (>22 trillion items) geospatial dataset with rapid (<1s) read query performance

You could shard by location. Partition the globe into a grid and have each square in that grid on one server. Since you mentioned cloud, that would be well suited to cloud. Of course your will need to ...
usr's user avatar
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6 votes

What are object-relational databases, and why is this model necessary in spatial databases?

The relational model and the object-oriented paradigm The state-of-the-art relational model, originated in 1970 by Dr. E. F. Codd, is applied science concerning the field of database administration. ...
MDCCL's user avatar
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6 votes

Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field

Wrong syntax... Instead of INSERT INTO track VALUES ( position=ST_PointFromText(...) ); use INSERT INTO track SET position=ST_PointFromText(...); Reference:
Rick James's user avatar
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6 votes

Spatial Index Compression

Your syntax for ALTER INDEX...REBUILD WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION...) is correct. The problem is actually revealed in the error message: Invalid usage of the option data_compression in the ALTER INDEX ...
AMtwo's user avatar
  • 16.2k
6 votes

SQL Server Point Constructor or version of ST_Point(x,y)?

SQL Server 2012+ Yes, it's not listed there though. You'll find it documented on the docs of geography::Point(x,y,srsid) The following example uses Point() to create a geography instance. geography::...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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6 votes

ERROR: invalid GeoJson representation

From the docs on ST_GeomFromGeoJSON ST_GeomFromGeoJSON works only for JSON Geometry fragments. It throws an error if you try to use it on a whole JSON document. This means you'll want to cut out ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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6 votes

Improving query response speed when joining a non-spatial table with a spatial table on a non-spatial column

⛈️⛈️⛈️ Good news! Your query finishes rather quickly! Bad news! It takes a long time to get do other stuff. Given the long elapsed time here when compared to CPU, you can bet that the query was ...
Erik Darling's user avatar
  • 42.6k
5 votes

How to store additional information about each point of a SQL Server geography line string?

All the points in your Geography have one common TrajectoryId, but each one of them has a relative position (first point, second point, ..., nth point). I would consider that the natural key for ...
joanolo's user avatar
  • 13.5k
5 votes

Problem getting zips in radius via MySQL

Any attempt to includ A will probably include D, E, F, G. The problem cannot be solved without having an exact path defining each zip code area. Find such a database, then build a SPATIAL index ...
Rick James's user avatar
  • 78.9k
5 votes

Does MariaDB support ST_Distance_Sphere?

10.2+ This issue has been fixed and backported with MDEV-13467. It's available 10.2.38, 10.3.29, 10.4.19, 10.5.10 Find their support matrix here.
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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5 votes

For Postgres, efficiently get points within X distance of point Y?

I only need the distance to be accurate on a local scale and so curvature of the earth shouldn't be an issue for my application, but is there a performance benefit of either POINT or GIS in this ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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5 votes

How to setup solution for multi-dimensional distance search with SQL Server spatial data types

There might be some spatial methods that are useful to some degree, but your biggest problem is going to be the Z value: Z-coordinates are not used in any calculations made by the library and are ...
BradC's user avatar
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