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12 votes

MongoDB terminates when it runs out of memory

As per MongoDB BOL Here Changed in version 3.4: Values can range from 256MB to 10TB and can be a float. In addition, the default value has also changed. Starting in 3.4, the WiredTiger internal cache,...
Md Haidar Ali Khan's user avatar
8 votes

Excessive Postgres Docker CPU Consumption

You have been hacked, and are now mining cryptocurrency for the hacker. They got in by guessing the password for your postgresql server's super-user account. Then they used the lo_export facility to ...
jjanes's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I create a new Oracle schema?

I gather that Oracle XE only gives you a single database Correct - as long as you "speak" Oracle-ese. The Container Database is the only "real" Oracle Database instance that you ...
Phill  W.'s user avatar
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7 votes

MongoDB terminates when it runs out of memory

Actually, if you look closely, it's not mongod that dies for "out-of-memory", it's the kernel OOM (out of memory) manager that kills mongod, because it has the biggest memory usage. Yes, you can try ...
JJussi's user avatar
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7 votes

Unable to use cyrillic characters in mysql docker console

As it turns out this was indeed a Docker problem rather than MySQL. Vanilla MySQL image is built on Debian 9 and by default it lacks UTF-8 support. So I had to follow these steps: Login into Docker ...
ruslaniv's user avatar
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7 votes

Differences between MariaDB docker tags

Short answer: Nothing. Long answer: "Latest" refers to be the latest, which is 10.5.y; some day soon it may refer to the latest 10.6.y, which is is early stages of being released. 10 refers ...
Rick James's user avatar
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7 votes

Can't restore a specific SQL Server database in Docker

On Linux, the SQL Server service account runs under a user called mssql. By default the directory /var/opt/mssql and its contents are owned by the user and group mssql as well. backup isn't a default ...
Thom A's user avatar
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6 votes

mongoDB in micro-services structure

It's sensible to think about how to scale your application in future, but you can start with a simpler deployment that can grow with your requirements. what should i choose? having 1 database ...
Stennie's user avatar
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6 votes

/dev/shm size recommendation for postgres database in docker

There are two things that use shared memory: The shared memory that is allocated at server start. This consists of several parts, but the lion's share is shared_buffers, the data cache. So you have ...
Laurenz Albe's user avatar
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5 votes

Permissions issue in Docker SQL Server 2017 while restoring certificate

Is the code shown under "Relevant code:" (in the question) the exact code being executed, as in copied and pasted into here and not re-typed? I ask because the file extension on the ...
Solomon Rutzky's user avatar
5 votes

Why SQL Server docker image uses high CPU all the time, and how to fix it?

From the top output: load average: 0.94, 0.55, 0.51 Those are the average CPU utilization over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes. doesn't seem like SQL Server is using a huge amount of resources ...
Josh Darnell's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I access cassandra.yaml in Docker?

There are 2 ways you can access the file: Start an interactive shell session with -it flag. Operate on the local directory. If you'd like to access /etc/cassandra in the container, you can start an ...
Erick Ramirez's user avatar
5 votes

How to fix MySQL using large amount of memory

I figured out the issue was a bug with Docker/MySQL and Linux. My environment was the ones described in the bug: Arch Linux with a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 processor. I was able to fix the issues with the ...
404 Not Found's user avatar
4 votes

SQL Server Docker image on Mac: Storing a Database

This is a known issue: mapping volumes on Macs isn't supported yet. You can follow that Github issue for more news, like when it's fixed. Until then, no, people aren't doing anything more than simple ...
Brent Ozar's user avatar
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4 votes

How to disable mongodb connection logs?

With "quiet" configuration parameter (not recommended) you get rid of: "Successfully authenticated as..." "connection accepted from ..." but "end connection ..." still stays there and there is no ...
JJussi's user avatar
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4 votes

MYSQL database replication Error MY-002061

Also, you just can run CHANGE MASTER TO GET_MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY=1; but this solution has a restriction (see the documentation
Sehii  Samoilenko's user avatar
4 votes

(macOS/Docker) "Cannot bulk load. The file path does not exist or you don't have file access rights."

For anyone else who is new to running SQL Server in a macOS Docker container, you first need to find out your Docker container ID. The commands will be like this: List Docker info: $ docker ...
Edison's user avatar
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3 votes

docker and postgres: using password_file leads to no pg_hba.conf entry for host

It was a permission issue. database_1 | /usr/local/bin/ line 19: /run/secrets/db_pass: Permission denied My password file had -rw------- permissions. Since the docker-...
pawamoy's user avatar
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3 votes

SMO, SSMS are slow for management of SQL Server in Docker when connecting to localhost

The key difference here is whether SSMS/SMO is attempting to connect with IPv4 or IPv6. If you do a ping localhost in a command prompt, you should see it resolve to ::1, which is the IPv6 equivalent ...
NReilingh's user avatar
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3 votes

SMO, SSMS are slow for management of SQL Server in Docker when connecting to localhost

This is most likely a RAM starvation issue. Things to check: Does the container have 4 GB of RAM assigned to it? Check this answer. Have you configured the Max Server Memory setting for SQL Server ...
Randolph West's user avatar
3 votes

mysqldump stuck at "Connecting to"

OK, so show processlist; revealed that some queries got stuck in "Waiting to lock metadata" on that table. show engine innodb status \G helped identify the offending transaction and then simple KILL &...
Wojtek's user avatar
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3 votes

Mariadb/docker error : Can't init tc log

I ended up deleting the tc.log file in /var/lib/mysql. When I started mysql again, it created a new tc.log and started up. sudo rm -f /var/lib/mysql/tc.log
Manuel Fedele's user avatar
3 votes

MySQL proxies_priv ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode

The warning is useful because it tells you that this proxy privileges will never be matched. Your options are: you delete this privilege you change the @ part to % or to a defined ip address you ...
Yvan's user avatar
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3 votes

centos container, installing mariadb server

It sounds like you're new to Docker. You may want to spend some time reading through documentation and examples to get a better feel for how things work. First, simply installing software doesn't ...
larsks's user avatar
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3 votes

Oracle - Can't login with "/ as sysdba", but can with "sys as sysdba"

Thanks to @BalazsPapp who pointed this out in the comment to my question. To use conn / as sysdba, I had to be logged in as the user oracle instead of root. Switching to the oracle user and ...
Kytech's user avatar
  • 61
3 votes

On docker volume restore: could not access file "$libdir/timescaledb-1.6.0": No such file or directory

Docker images tagged with latest contain the latest release at the time you retrieve it (this is Docker's convention), thus the image in the source contains different TimescaleDB's version (1.6.0) ...
k_rus's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to use standard CLR functions on Azure SQL Edge for Ubuntu Docker on an M1 Mac?

You are not alone running SQL Server container images on MacBook Pro M1: and in fact CLR is missing from Azure SQL Edge container images. However a brave person was able to install SQL Server 2019 on ...
Francesco Mantovani's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a way to use standard CLR functions on Azure SQL Edge for Ubuntu Docker on an M1 Mac?

Yes, there is an easier path to this now, as of Ventura (I tested on 13.3) and Docker 4.16. Make sure you are on macOS Ventura - I only know that it works on 13.3 because I can’t test anything ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar

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